Im Mates With My Brothers Best Friend

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hello! im starting a new story since i thought the other one was a bit boring and was leading nowhere:P but i got high hopes for this one! im real excited bout this story!<3<3<3

plz forgive me since this story isnt edited! i had to write fast! plz bare with me!

thx so much for taking your time to read my story! love ya!<3



my older sister marissa was always the prettiest! with the perfect body to make guys drool and girls hate themselves! she always got the attention! my own family likes her more than me! they are always talkin about her! they choose her over me all the time! i bet if me and my sis were hangin over a cliff and they could only choose one to save...guess who they would save! yep her! i wouldnt blame them though, im short,chubby,and talentless...while shes gorgeous, smart, and beyond talented!

im taylor. im 15yrs old and  5'4 (short compared to everyone else in my family who are all tall and gorgeous! well except my gorgeous mom. shes 5' im guessing i get my heigth from her-_-...all the other women in my family were either 5'6 or taller. even my stepmom is 5'6!) i have medium length blonde hair. its between wavy and curly with somes wavy here and curls there. which i hate because it does not suit me:p my hair hasnt grown in along time while all my gorgeous friends have long beautiful hair(even my parents like them better than me!) im on the chunky side unfortineuntly... i have been since i was 7 once i quiet gymastics. it didnt really matter back then that i was chunky because i was little and it was cute! and everyone loved my chubby cheeks! that was until fifth grade when chubby wasnt cute anymore.i knew my weight bothered my dad since everyone in my family was all toned and naturally gorgeous while i stood out with a 6rolles instead of a 6pack.

my older brother rick gained my dads pride in him by his handsome looks and athletic abilities and playin every sport he could while my older sis marissa got his pride through her beauty and musical talents! my parents specialy my dad tried to convince me to start sports! they said it was because its fun but i knew my dad was actually imbarrassed of me bein his youngest and doin nothing but eat and sleep while rick and marissa awed everyone in our small town with their talents! i joined every sport i could. i loved sports! they were so much fun! and i really loved seeing pride in my dads eyes as he cheered me on when i made a point for my team! but the pride didnt last long once the season was over. i did lose some weight playin sports but once season was over i would gain it back and more which my dad frowned upon...

i know it seems like my dad is a bastard for being annoyed by my weight and tryin to make me do sports and pretty much ignoring me once i wasnt 'cute' and never calling me beautiful or even pretty unlike my sis where hes always saying hes lucky to have a supermodel as hes daughter! but hes taught me to be a strong person and always telling to never quit.

in freshman year i didnt do any sports which my dad was not happy about! he kept sayin he was gunna force me to do sport but my sis helped me convinced him to let me take a break for a year. but my friends did convince me to do basketball with them which was fun until i couldnt help but notice me, my not fat but chubby nontalented self standin next to my beautiful skinny talented athletic friends...but i just pushed the thoughts away.

for the rest of freshmen year my parents slowly stopped talkin to me. which i didnt mind since it gave me more time to be with my friends. but i couldnt help but notice how everyone in my house started talkin more about my older sis marissa. it was always about her new cool band, her amazing singing voice, her beauty, her new buff hot boyfriend, her amazing new college that she goes to, and evrything amazing about her!

towards the end of freshmen year i had enough...





ill try to update as soon as i can!

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