the beginning..

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It all began three years ago. My parents were newly divorced. With that being, I was forced to switch schools. The school I had gone to, was well, not a trashy school but also not the best either. The school I switched to was full of very rich and snobby kids. It was a huge change. With that being said. It was hard for me to make friends. I got picked on for wearing knock-off and used clothes. All because I wasn't wearing very pricey brands. I always thought it is insane to buy a shirt for more than $20. So I bought used clothes.

Later into the 5th grade school year, I started getting real friends. I had two good friends, Emily and Chloe. I was informed that I should create an Instagram account. So I decided to ask my mom and she approved. It was cool for a while. Until I discovered I had an enemy, or I should say, cyberbully. As soon as I discovered she was making very nasty comments about me on my pictures, I knew she was attacking me. She eventually started saying stuff straight to my face. I just decided to ignore it until it went away. But there was one problem. It never ended. At this point, more and more people started saying mean things to me. Someone hacked my Instagram account and said mean things about me and my friends. Of course when I tried to explain my account got hacked, they didn't believe me.

Later on after closing my Instagram for a while, started a nasty horrible rumor. This cyberbully never gave up, she spread a rumor saying I slept with my step brother. Horrible right? We were in 5th grade, who'd actually think of that stuff? At this point I was so sick of everybody being so mean to me. I cut my wrists. I didn't do very many slits because, I knew my mom would notice. I started to isolate myslef. I stopped talking to people at school. I sat by myself a lot at lunch. I was by myself at recess. Nobody ever invited me to hang out or sit with them at lunch. Suicide crossed my mind 24/7. At this point, I had absolutely no friends.

Now, welcomed into 6th grade with a few nice friends. But let's say those friends did not stick around very long. It began to look a lot like last school year. Then, my grades were slipping. I basically didn't do any homework or studying. No socializing. I opened a new Instagram. Luckily I didn't have any problems. I finally decided to talk to my mom about my problems. She didn't believe me. She said I was just looking for attention. So I ignored all she said and went on with my mental thoughts. At the time I didn't think it was weird to have these thoughts. I went on with my situation and ignored it.

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