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"Mel c'mon quit playin'" he whispered in my ear

"I'm not playing Garret. I'm drop dead serious."

"Melanie." I was rarely called that "I'm going to be drop dead serious than too." he breathed in the fall air "I love you."

I snapped back into reality, I was still in the hospital. I was still a hot mess. I just didn't understand what was going on, what was going to happen. I just wanted to go back to when it was just him and I under the oak tree in the fall. The best 4 years of my life was with him. Every second spend in some way with him. The nurse walked out "Melanie?"

I stood up shakily and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my Hollister shirt. I walked towards the nurse "Yes? I'm her."

She smiled softly, I managed a small smile back as she said "It's been requested that you go to the special waiting room. It will put you in a place of seeing Garret sooner." I nodded agreeing that I wanted to go to the special waiting area. I followed her. honestly there is nothing special about it. It's just another waiting room filled with grieving people. I liked to make up my own reason for their griefs to distract my mind from going back to the past. There was a small child sitting in a chair, she seemed to be in a trans, I wandered her real reason for being here. There was an elder couple in here holding hands and crying together. I know it's mean but I couldn't bring myself to look at them, it brought back one of those memories. I sigh and sit down next to the door. I close my eyes again. it was a bad idea I knew where it would take me and what I would see, but honestly I wanted to see and hear him again.

"Mel please stop crying." he pleaded with me "Mel what's wrong you can tell me. I'm right here."

I laid my head on his shoulder and continued to cry. I whimpered "M-My b-b-brother p-assed away l-last nnnight in his s-s-sleep." He had wrapped his arms around me, I had felt safe and protected. I felt like nothing could hurt me.

I whispered "I love you."

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