Meet Aly

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Veronica Lodge adjusted her channel tote with a glare.

"Who the hell is that?", she asked nodding her head in the direction of a small red head putting her books in her locker alongside her friends at the end of the hall.

Betty and Kevin looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "You can't be serious, Ronnie."

Ronnie eyed them with a raised brow. "I moved here yesterday. You expect me to know the 4-1-1 on some small village-esque town that no one has ever heard of?"

Betty sighed. "I forgot your new, but even then it's hard to admit that you haven't heard rumours of Aly."

"That's her name?"

Kevin nodded. 

"Meet the kid that all girls envy and all boys love. First freshman to play Varsity in two sports, highest average in her grade in 4 of her classes, most decorated student to ever walk Riverdale thanks to debate and the Student Council since 4th grade. Worst of all, she's the nicest girl here apart from Betty."

Veronica blinked. "She's not a bitch?"

Betty laughed. "Oh believe me she has her moments. But around here she goes without saying as some pretty high level perfection, though it has yet to get to her head."

"Lay down some flaws. Otherwise that 5"6 redhead with legs to crack a whip can suck my ass."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Calm down, Veronica, she's nothing to get jealous of, besides, she's a bloody sophmore.

Veronica eased but kept her glare on the red ponytail. 

"Well for one, she's a horrible cook.", Archie cut in.

The three jumped. "Archie where did you come from?"

"I tried teaching her how to drive and we didn't talk for weeks after the multiple times she screamed as we came inches from death.", he went on ignoring Veronica's remark.

"How would you-"

"And she's the most socially awkward person you will ever meet when confronting a guy she likes.", Archie chuckled. "Aly's face will flame brighter than any fire you've seen when she's around a guy that she has feelings for. Not to mention she trips on all her sentences and can't seem to remember what she's saying. Thank God I wasn't blessed with Mom's genes."

"But how-"

"She's my sister."

Veronica stepped back eyes wide. "She's your-"

"My little sister. Kind of a pain in the ass if you ask me."

Betty rolled her eyes as Kevin and Ronnie laughed. "What he means to say is that he loves her even if he finds it hard to show it."

Archie narrowed his eyes. "Hardly. We're fighting right now actually." 

Veronica smirked. "About what?"

"She thinks I stole her shinpads."

"So did you?", Ronnie asked.

Archie scoffed. "Of course."

The three of them shared a laugh before stifling it after getting glared at by the head of Bio.

"She's so annoying, always jumping to conclusions and blaming me for everything. I needed them for football and couldn't find mine. Maybe if she'd asked..."

"Or maybe if you'd ask?", Betty smirked raising a brow.

"Whatever, she still freaked out and we're not on good terms."

"When are you two ever on good terms?", Jughead laughed clapping his bestfriend on the back.

Archie shrugged unphased. "It's not my fault she's the anti-christ."

Veronica laughed. "From what I hear she's pretty close to perfect."

"Try living with her."

He said it louder than he intended to causing Aly to turn at the sound and raise a brow at her brother and his friends. 

"You're no piece of cake yourself, Archibald."

Archie glowered. 

"They call each other full names when they're pissed at each other. It's a sibling thing.", Kevin whispered into Veronica's ear. 

Ronnie nodded. 

"Have fun in Drama 10. I'm on my way to AP Comp Sci.", Archie smirked using their age gap to his advantage. 

Alyssa's back muscles tensed as she turned to leave the hallway. 

"Ask Cheryl how hell is." 

At this Archie's friends burst into laughter as Archie began to fume red. 

"Shut up.", he mumbled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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