Forever Unknown?

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We all make mistakes, right? But... some mistakes you can't undo like what's going to happen here...

My name is Norma... Norma Pedophile. I am only 12 years old and I have one sister named Elizabeth Pedophile but I call her Liz. My mom is 25 years old and her name is Karen Pedophile, my dad died when I was 6, his name was Robert Pedophile... No one really knows why he died and they never really found his body.. Now lets keep going further..

My family lives in a 2 story house. The previous family that lived here died in the basement. One day me and my little sister Liz were playing on our mom's bed. We were jumping up and down continuously until we suddenly heard a voice. A voice that was quite odd and strange, a voice that scared my little sister, a noise that made my heart skip a beat... That voice said "Help me, me, me" I got so scared my sister and I went running to the kitchen as fast as we could and saw our mom with a guy. We asked ourselves "Is he our new daddy, is he mom's boyfriend?" We were planning on telling mom what we heard but I thought she would think we were crazy and that we needed some special type of therapy so we didn't. Mom said "Oh hey girls look this is your new dad Jack we are getting married in a couple of weeks and we want you guys to be the flower girls" My sister went and hugged Jack, a guy she didn't even know and the thing that I hate is that she completely trusts him! I don't trust him not one single bit. First of all his smile it's pretty weird, it almost looks like if he has been hypnotized or something. Jack went outside with Liz to go play something. So I went to mom with all my mighty force and said "Mom me and Liz heard a weird voice while jumping on your bed. It was saying 'Help me, me, me'. By the way please don't think I'm crazy because I am not." My mom looked at me awkwardly and said "This morning when I was with Jack I felt this cool breeze come to me, like if someone was trying to tell me something." Jack and Liz came inside smiling at us and said "I think there are ghosts in here and I know that because whenever I look in the mirror my I see someone next to me and when I look to see who is next to me there is no one there and that person or thing that was next to me is more horrifying than me." Midnight came by so quickly and we all got our tools ready. I invited my friend Jasmine and Oscar to come help us too. That makes us six people on an investigation like the detectives from the old 1900s. I personally thought this was so cool but after imagining what was going to happen next.. I changed my mind. We went downstairs to the basement first and it was completely empty but Liz saw a dog jumping around, we couldn't see it but she could. The dog was probably dead if you ask me. Liz was telling us the dog wanted us to follow him but we thought she was crazy  so, we made her draw the dog.. It looked so realistic and suddenly there comes that very deep and sorrow voice but this time it said something different.. It said "Save me please, I love you my dear Karen" We thought Jasmine said that but she didn't. We started clearing our minds and we knew who it was. It was ...

To be continued..

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