Chapter 1: His Mother Named Him Cash?

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  My morning began with Marcus, my older brother, jumping on my bed. I've never met a 23 year old man who was as childish as my brother. He moved out 3 months ago but made a habit of coming over every morning to bother me.

"Aye big head you up yet?" He asked while he continued to jump on my bed, and pull the covers off of me.

"No, now leave me the hell alone" i said kicking him off the bed. I laughed silently as he hit the floor.

"Ma! Nelle's in here abusing me, you only son!" He yelled as he exited my room.

I heard my mamas heavy footsteps walking down the hall. There was a series of  ow's coming from Marcus, then my door swung opened and my mother's head appeared. She walked in my room wearing her black bonnet and her silk robe. She let go of Marcus's ear and crossed her arms

"Marcus Stop ramping with your sister and Nell get up and get ready for school." she said in her thick Jamaican accent.

Marcus gave me a dirty look before walking out of my room with an attitude. Rolling out of bed, I streched and grabbed all my hygienic supplies and walked to the bath room. I took my normal 45 minute shower and was interrupted by my mother knocking on the door, telling me to hurry up.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I walked out of the washroom and into Marcus. He looked down at me and gave me a dirty look.

" It took you long enough.. I have shit to get to." he said stepping passed me.

"Oh my bad mister business man, can you drive me to school today?" I asked giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"no can do little bit, i have business to attend to. I can get nigga Cash to drive you though." he said. "If he trys something let me know." He continued seriously.

" Cash.. Like Cashmere or something else?" I asked a little curious. The name was very familiar for some reason.

"Why don't you can ask him what his name is when he comes." he said being sarcastic.

"Is he one of your trap house friends?" I asked remembering the last guy he introduced me to.

"Something like that. Don't worry he's a good kid."

I nodded my head and I went to my room to get dressed. I threw on a random black shirt and some blue jeans. My hair was already in a messy high bun so i decided to leave it how it was.

On my way downstairs i smelled my moms pancakes. I sat at the table just as my mom put my plate down. I cut my pancakes and dug in. The love i have for this womans pancakes is unreal. It doesn't taste the same when anyone else trys to make it. The sound of my fork hitting my pale made me realize that I was finished.

Marcus came into the kitchen wearing black and gold. Meaning the business he was talking about was drug dealing. My mom looked at him and rolled her eyes. She hated him going out in the streets amd doing exactly what got our dad killed.

" Nellz, better hurry up. Cash is outside." He said going into the fridge

"ight nigga I'm going" i said slapping his hand as he tried to take more

"don't call me no nigga hoe" he said taking some of my eggs

"nigga nigga niggggaaa" i said back while sticking out my tongue

My mom turned around and threw her spatula at us. We ducked and started laughing. She kissed her teeth once she realized that she need to use the spatula again

" Lanelle get yuh ass to school and Marcus go do whatever yuh ass was gon do" she said picking the spatula up and washing it off.

I put my plate in the sink and kissed my mom on her cheek. I hugged Marcus and then I walked out of the house. When I got outside I seen a yellow and black Chevy Camaro. When a started to walk closer. I seen him, Cash mother fucking Odell! I've had a crush on him since the third grade. he was a tall, lightskinned, curly haired, grey eyed god!

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