The day they met

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Lia Goodwin that's me I'm Ginnifer Goodwin's younger sister by a year. I'm 25 years old and I'm an actress in Britain. I'm visiting Ginny on set today for the first time. I'm so excited I get to meet her friends and see her. I'm about 20 minutes from set and I'm nervous. She doesn't know I'm coming but my best friend Jennifer Morrison works with her and I told her I was coming and to distract her. I pull in to a gated lot finally.

"Badge please." The dark headed man said.

I held up my badge and he opened the gate. Ginny got me a badge for if I ever visit.

"Hey. Don't let Ginny know I'm here, please."

"Gottcha Miss Goodwin." He said with a wink.

I pulled in and parked behind Jen's trailer. She came running out and hugged me when I got out.

"I've missed you." She said to me.

"I missed you too."

I took my things in her trailer and put them down. I'm staying with her while I'm here.

"I'm gonna go talk to the guys in the 1st building and I'll have Ginny stand with her back facing the door for you. Then I'll text you to come in"

"Thanks Jen."

While I waited a few minutes for the text I went in the bathroom and look in the mirror at my reflection.

[Flashback to 6 months ago]

I'm on Omegle a site to meet strangers I'm doing it to meet people and not be alone also my best friend Jen talked me into it. After a while of nude people and black screens that only wanted nudes I came across the most beautiful woman ever to exist. She has shoulder length brown hair and mocha brown eyes.

You are now talking to a stranger!

"Hi I'm Lana. What's your name?" The stranger asked.

"I'm Lia. Nice to meet you."

We talked for about 30 minutes until this happened.

"I really like you so wanna exchange numbers or emails?" The brunette asked.

"Yes. My email is"

"Thanks. Mine is I've gotta go talk to you later."

"Bye." I waved at the camera and turned it off.

[End of flashback]

I've been dating Lana for 3 months now and I've never met her. She said she's an actress too but we don't talk about our jobs often. We talk about other things. Plus were not supose to talk about what we work on.

*Beep* *Beep*
Jen texted me."Ok your move."

I walked out and cleared my thoughts of Lana and walked up behind Ginny and put my hands over her eyes. Nobody knew me except Jen so it was a bit awkward. She jumped and removed the hands and turned around.

"LIA." She screamed and hugged me.

"Hey sis."

While we hugged I spotted a woman walking up she had her head down but she seemed familiar. She looked up and our eyes met. It's Lana, MY LANA. I pulled away from the hug and looked at my sister.

"So. How long are you staying and where?" She asked me.

"Umm. Possibly 2 weeks and with Jen. Unless my job calls of course."

"Jen. You 2 know each other?" She asked looking back at Jen and realizing Lana standing there in shock.

"Yeah. We're best friends. I tell her everything. She knew I was coming."

"Oh. Ok. Well that's wonderful. Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Josh my boyfriend. This is Jared, Bobby, and Lana. I don't believe you know any of these guys."

"Nice to meet you all and nice to see you again Lana."

My sister looked at me and then to Lana and noticed I was blushing but didn't say anything.

"Well. Me, Bobby, Jared, and Jen have some things to do see you around. Bye Lana see you later."

After they were gone Lana came up to me and looked me straight in the eyes.

"So this is my Lia." She said with a grin and a small blush.

"And this is my Lana." I said gesturing my hands up and down.

She giggled and look down at her feet.

"I was wondering when we would meet..... and you never told me Ginny was your sister."

"Well. I wondered the same thing too and I kinda didn't expect you to know her." I said and Lana giggled.

"Wanna join me for my lunch break in my trailer. I can make a mean grilled cheese if that alright." She said blushing and looking away.

I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at my hand and then at me with a smile.

"I'd love a grilled cheese." I smiled.

We headed to her trailer which is the one next to Jens. We went inside and she pointed to the little dining table and I sat down she made 2 grilled cheeses and got some wine.

"So. Your staying 2 week if possible." She said.

"Yeah. I might even stay longer since I've met you." I said and then looked away blushing at what I just said.

Lana giggled and said." I'd love that!"

She handed me a grilled cheese and she sat across from me. She poured the wine and I took a sip. We ate in silence and then sat there and talked.

"So. What is it like in Britain?" She asked me because that is where I've been filming.

"It's fun actually. I really like it there." Lana's face fell." But I really like it here in Vancouver now."

She looked up at me and smiled." I don't want to rush anything or do anything you don't want me to, but may I kiss you?"

I got up and came and sat next to her. "You may."

We both leaned in a bit and our lips met for the first time. It was like sparks flew and we stayed like that until we desperately needed air. She looked at me and I looked at her and she blushed and I said. "Just kiss me again don't be nervous."

We kissed passionately for a little while and then a knock on Lana's door interrupted us. She got up and made her way to the door. She looked in the mirror next to the door and opened it to see Jen.

"Is Lia here?" She asked.

I got up and walked over to the door and peeked over her shoulder and wrapped my arms around Lana's waist she jumped a bit and was scared.

Jen looked at me and said. " I knew you'd be with your (girlfriend)." Whispering girlfriend.

Lana turned around and looked at me still in my arms. "Jen is the only one that knows right now, right?" She said with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Yes, dear. She's known for as long as we have. She's the friend that talked me into getting on Omegle. Now I'm glad I did."

Lana looked at me and then turned around and looked outside to see if anyone was out there. She turned back around and picked me up and kisses me. I'm just 1 inch shorter than her and it's adorable to be honest. Jen let out and aww and then shut the door and left us.

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