Kiss of Death

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Harsh, cold air nipped gently at the back of Vivian's neck causing her to shrug up her coat to protect the exposed skin. She shivered slightly as the cool autumn air attacked her, but despite her protests, she had to carry on. It wasn't like she had any other options.

            "Be careful," her friend Arden called from her front porch. She shivered slightly and with drawled back through the door in which she came. Vivian scowled thinking about the treacherous walk she had ahead of her and immediately she was able to follow Arden back through the door. "It's kinda sketchy this late. Call me when you get home safely."

            Vivian smiled gently at her friend's cautious words. "Always do," she replied before turning and walking down the street.

            Fall had always been her favourite season. Vibrant colours of falling leaves always brightened her mood. However, at night when walking alone, no matter where you are, your surroundings will always become scarier. Your mind tends to play tricks on you by making you see things that aren't really there. Tonight, was no exception. Vivian never considered herself to be one of those cliché horror movie girls who made the worst decisions when it came to being attacked, but as she grew warier she was just waiting for someone to jump out at her and scare her even more. She tightened her trench coat and relished the minimal warmth it provided as cold gusts of air attacked her from all sides.

            With one last attempt at calming her nerves, she took a deep breath and lengthened her strides. She focused on her feet instead of letting her mind wander.

            Right foot, Left foot. Right foot. Left foot.

            "God dammit," she muttered to herself between taut lips. Her purse had slipped off her slender shoulders and before she could react the contents scattered on the ground. The poorly lit lampposts barely provided enough light to see what she was doing. Grabbing blindly, she scurried to gather her belongings and cram them back in her purse. Blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face, she slung her bag once more onto her shoulder and continued down the daunting street.

            Arden lived in one of the more poorer parts of town. She lived alone with her mom in a townhouse that was nestled in a complex isolated away from any of the major roads in the city. The houses here were rather small in size and looked like time had done some damage to them. Porches were sunken in and weather, the grass was overgrown and littered with weeds. The walk alone from Arden's house to Vivian consisted of several back trails through several blocks before any major roads were hit. Vivian muttered a curse before remembering why exactly she was walking home alone at 11pm. She rolled her eyes. Her parents were at another one of their friend's parties getting drunk off high-end champagne while discussing politics or whatever it is they do when they get together.

Vivian let out a defeated sigh. She contemplated going back to Arden's and waiting for her mom's shift to end at 3am so she could give her a ride. Vivian debated for a moment before continuing on. No, Arden's mom was working a double shift and asking for a ride would be too much to ask for. She continued walking down the desolate street with only herself and the shadows to keep company.

Almost halfway there she thought encouragingly to herself. Vivian reached the end of the street. Connecting this block to the next was a trail that was woven through a wooded area. She weighed her options. On the one hand, she could go through the forest. It was quicker. However, it was darker and, considering the neighbourhood she was currently in, possibly filled with drug dealers. Her other option was to backtrack and go back the way she came and travel down the road and follow the streets back, but it would take longer for her to get home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2017 ⏰

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