I think you should ask him out.no I can't what if he doesn't like me?he will so 1hour passed.and Victoria came in.so I here dayanh and Isaiah are engaged. well I like him first.dayanh and Isaiah are going to be together weather you like it or not. well you can't stop me.yes I can because dayanh will be a better girlfriend then you'll ever be bitch.so 3 hours pass so we went to lunch. and she came up to dayanh. $he told her do something bitch. be quite you are so small you are like a ant. shut up were the same size so shut the fuck up bitch. so now dayanh is shy to tell him.and Isaiah is shy too so we would find out more. so a few days pass and. dayanh and Isaiah are not together no more. they thought they were distorting there friendship.and they got mad at each other for some reason.so that that who next.so dayanh got mad at me.and she slap me and I told Isaiah and he got mad so I wonder what she is going to do next