This is gospel,
for the fallen ones

"Aren't you being a bit careless?"
"Aren't you being a bit too careful?"

That was how it started. A stupid conversation with a stupid answer for a stupid question. They were in elementary school, what was he supposed to do? Let her climb the tree just so she could look at a damn bird?

He had no experience with other kids his age, much less a girl. That much was noticeable due to how he shut out the other kids around him. The kid had a burn scar at 5 years old, so of course that lead to some being scared of him already. But as he saw her with that intent look on her face and how dangerous her whole predicament was, he had to investigate. Of course his father would be livid if he ever found out the events from this day. But that would be another secret to keep for the time being.

He had found it easier to case his feelings in a box. As if his heart was stuck in a permanent overcast. It was either always raining or always some type of crappy weather. He never recalled feeling happy once except for before he manifested his quirk. He now hated the accursed gift, wishing it away.

Shouto had wondered what would go wrong. Of course, nothing bad could happen. Unless you happened to take a fall off the branch, then that was the only possibly bad thing that could happen.

Within seconds, there was an ice barrier underneath her, keeping her from hitting the ground. She let out a soft laugh and sat up, holding the injured baby bird carefully in between her hands.

"You could've gotten seriously hurt." Todoroki mumbled and started the conversation off, his mouth thinking faster than his brain. "Aren't you being a bit careless?" What was he thinking? He didn't have time to make friends, he had too much training to do. There was no point in talking to this girl, she would probably just run off and be scared of him like everyone else.

"Aren't you being a bit too careful? So what if I fell and hit my head, I'd have lived." She shrugged.

For the first time in a while, Todoroki was actually pretty shocked. For one, she wasn't scared of him. Two, she countered back with such ferocity, such attitude, that he couldn't help being intrigued. It was if at that very moment, he became obsessed with trying to understand her thought process.

"This is a weird introduction, huh? Lets start over." The girl grinned. "The name's (Name) (Last Name). Just call me (Name). You're Shouto, right?"

"T-Todoroki is fine.." He mumbled, poking his two index fingers together as he looked down. He couldn't believe it. He was actually having a normal conversation with his classmates, and it was a girl no less.

"Ah, wait! Endevaor is your father, right?" (Name) gasped in excitement, and Shouto nodded slowly. "I hear you have a really amazing quirk! Although, I never see you outside, playing with the other kids. This is the first time I've seen you actually playing during recess." She tilted her head, giggling softly.

"Dad makes me train a lot, and I'm always studying.." He sighed. "Speaking of, I need to get back and study."

"Wait, wait!" She cried, grabbing his arm with the free hand that wasn't holding the bird. He flinched at the sudden contact, looking at her.

"What..?" He questioned.

"Todoroki, let's be friends!"

Maybe that was the first day when the overcast weather turned to sunshine and cools breezes.

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