Welcome Home

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It's been 6 months since the tragic events that took place in Lakewood, Louisiana. Emma went to a treatment center, while the rest of her friends Audrey,Noah,Brooke,and Jake partied almost every weekend since Piper Shaw was revealed to be the killer in their quiet town that killed all their friends.
Opening Scene
"Hey em are you still coming home tomorrow? Brooke asks Emma while scrolling through her twitter feed. "Yes I am. I'm finally coming home. Im so excited to see you guys" Emma excitedly says.
The two continue to talk until Brooke's dad text's her to come down stairs for dinner. "Hey em I have to go my dad is ordering me to come down stairs for dinner but I will see you tomorrow!" Brooke quickly hangs up and heads down stairs.

She gets down stairs and notices her dad is not in the kitchen. She is walking around the house trying to find him. She decides to text her dad to see where he is. "Dad where are you??". Brooke is still walking around until she suddenly hears something fall to the ground. She quickly turns around and doesn't see anything. She decides to text her father again. "DAD I HEARD SOMETHING WHERE R U??!"
Brooke decides to grab a knife and walks slowly upstairs. With no response from her father she decides to walk into his room. Nothing is out of the ordinary and she decides to walk back out into the hall and shuts her dad's door. Once she shuts the door, she decides to text her dad once more. "DAD IM REALLY GETTING WORRIED. PLS ANSWER MY TEXTS!!". As Brooke is sending the third text she looks up and turns around and sees someone wearing the Brandon James mask standing right in front of her. She screams and starts running down the hall. The killer goes after her and grabs her and throws her down the stairs. Brooke is screaming while rolling down the stairs and drops the knife. She grabs her phone and attempts to dial 911 but before she can hit the dial button, the person in the mask stabs her in the back 3 times with the knife Brooke previously had and also grabs her phone. Brooke is starting to bleed out heavily and falls quickly to the ground. She sees her house phone laying on the kitchen table and attempts to crawl her way over there to try and get help.
The killer walks up to her and steps on her hand and grabs her by the neck and stabs her in the chest repeatedly. Then the killer proceeds to pick up Brooke and pushes her against her kitchen table.
Brooke is starting to cough up blood and screaming intensely, in hopes that a neighbor could hear her. The killer watches Brooke suffer for a good 10 minutes with her body being covered in her own blood. Then the killer decides to walk up to Brooke with the knife and says "Any last words?". Brooke is shocked by the voice of the killer and is having a hard time coming up with something to say but she eventually mumbles to the killer "Please d-don't do this" The killer grabs her by her hair and slits her throat. The killer then rips her shirt off and we see the killer writing on her chest with her blood with the words "Im coming for all of you".


The day has finally arrived; Emma finally gets to go home after 6 months of being locked away in a treatment center after having a massive panic attack in the school hallway a week after Piper was revealed to be her half sister. She looks out her window as she's beginning to pack her stuff. It's sunny and the leaves are beginning to fall from the trees. Emma says to herself as she's packing "I finally get to go home and see my friends. I finally get to lay in my own bed. I finally get to choose what I eat and when I go to bed. Most importantly, I finally get to start going to back to my normal life". As Emma puts the last of  her things in her suitcase, she gets a text message from her mom. "Hi honey I signed all the paperwork and i'm outside whenever you're ready!"
Emma closes her suitcase and takes a good look at around at what will soon be a memory.
Emma walks outside and sees her mom's car. Her mom, Maggie gets out of the car and runs to her beloved daughter and gives her the biggest hug. "I missed you so much!!". "I missed you too mom". Maggie puts Emma's things in the car and Emma gets in happily as Maggie drives her daughter home.

As Emma gets out of the car, she notices that her friend's cars are parked by her house. As Emma is walking in, her friends starts screaming and says "WELCOME HOME EMMA" and they all run to her as Emma is standing there shocked, but happy to see her friends. "hey guys where is Brooke?" Audrey and Noah shrugged. Jake says "She's probably just running late, you know how she loves to take her time getting ready". Emma calls Brooke but it quickly goes to voicemail. "Hey Brooke just calling to see where you are at. Call me back or text me". 
The four of them start to have a few drinks and Audrey says to Emma "How are you holding up? I know it must be tough being back here especially knowing Kieran moved back to Atlanta and y'all are no longer together" Emma nods in agreement and says "I'm doing okay but it's definitely hard not being able to be with him anymore but i'm glad you guys are still here".

A few hours has passed and still no sign of Brooke. "Guys i'm going to go to Brooke's house. She still hasn't called back or texted and i'm starting to worry" as Emma says nervously. Noah walks over to Emma and says "Do you want us to come with you Em?" Emma shakes her head and says "No it's okay. I will text y'all once i know what's going on".

Emma walks to her car and gets in. She attempts to call Brooke again but has no luck getting a hold of her. She decides to send her a text and says "Brooke i'm on the way to your house. Be there in 10 mins". As Emma is getting closer to Brooke's house, she receives a text from Brooke that says "I have tons of homework tonight so i been super busy. Missed u guys. I'll be in my room when u get here and maybe we can catch up for a bit!!"
Emma sighs in relief knowing Brooke is okay. She finally reaches the Maddox residence and gets out of the car and walks towards the door. She knocks but no answer. Emma then receives a text message from Brooke that says "Door is unlocked come upstairs"
Emma opens the door and walks upstairs to Brooke's bedroom. She quickly notices that Brooke is not in her room like she was told. Emma starts to get worried again and attempts to call Brooke but as she is calling her she hears Brooke's phone ringing in the kitchen.
Emma rushes downstairs and sees Brooke's phone but no sign of Brooke. "Okay Brooke if this is some kind of joke i'm not laughing" Emma says angrily. She starts to wonder the house trying to locate her best friend. She looked in the kitchen,the living room,her dad's bedroom, and the bathroom, but still no sign of her.
Emma decides to call 911 because she thinks Brooke may have been kidnapped. "911 what is your emergency?" "Yes, my name is Emma Duval and I believe my friend Brooke Maddox has been kidnapped. She told me she was at home and said she was upstairs but i have looked everywhere and there is no sign of her. Her address is 1345 Dunhill Lane" Okay ma'am we are sending a deputy out there immediately"
As Emma continues to locate her friend, she notices that Brooke's garage door is open. She slowly walks in and gasps as what she sees.

Her best friend is hanging from the ceiling covered in blood. The only thing she's wearing is her bra and shorts. Emma is speechless, her heart is pounding, and she quickly burst's out in tears. She rushes over to Brooke and unties her from the ceiling. As she is laying Brooke on the ground, she notices a message written on her chest. "I'm coming for all of you".

As Emma is waiting for the police to arrive, she says angrily to herself "I cannot believe this is happening again"

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