The Flower Girl ~One Direction AU~

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Hi! New fanfiction, I think I'll keep it at two for the moment.

I'm gonna try something different..

I'll do the authors note #1 here <^>

And then the description down belowwwww....

and then the prologue...

then author's not #2 <3

See you on the other side!! <333333


I wasn't normal. I wanted to be. Honest... but I wasn't.

The day they took me in... it was a mistake. I was cold, tired, and so, so hungry. I would take any offer... but I shouldn't have.

They took me in on one condition.

I would be the guinea pig of their operation. They had tested it on monkeys, it all worked out. If I died, they promised to never make anyone suffer it again.

If I lived, I would be let free, after tests, and they would take in volunteers. They would also get me a flat, into a highschool, and every 2 months, put £250 into my bank. It would overall be a good outcome. So I couldn't say no.

And so, I became The Flower Girl.



I stood in the alleyway, clutching my thin shawl over my body, which was only clothed in this and a small black dress.

I know what you're thinking.

I was not a prostitute.

I was recently kicked out by my boyfriend, after I caught him cheating on me. Sick and twisted, right?

It was Valentine's Day, for goodness sakes!

I was going to tell him that I was ready, seeing as he hated the fact I was a proud virgin, and he wanted sex. Typical boys.

So I came home, grinning; I hadn't told him that I would be home. I went up to the bedroom, and heard moans... well, he usually masturbated. It sounds horrid but if you knew him you would let him.

And then, I heard a high pitched scream. I knew this wasn't my boyfriend. So I bursted in, and, well, it led me to here.

And you know the worst thing?

It was my best friend, lying there under him.

So now I was here. As people walked by, I looked to them for help.

"Please help me! I need money!"

"And I don't need sex."

"I'm not a prostitute! I just got kicked out!"


That was usually how the conversations went.

Until I came across a house. I knocked, and they saw me, and pulled me inside.

"We know you, we have a proposition for you." They had said, getting straight to the point.


"In exchange for a place to stay, food and safety, you will be our experimental guinea pig."


I hadn't even thought about it.

I went through a number of changes, a range of pains and tests.

I now look like your typical beauty. I didn't use to.

I now have lucious white-blonde hair with green and pink highlights that goes down to my feet. I used to have scraggly ginger hair that would go greasy every time it went past my shoulders.

I now have bright green eyes which have a lining of deep pink. I used to have dull brown eyes.

I now have flawless skin, as pale as the moon. I used to have pink skin and spots everywhere, and freckles invading every part of my body.

I now have plump, perfect pink lips. I used to have peach thin lips.

Now I come to think of it, I know why I was a virgin.

And today was the day they performed the last experiment on me.

I was going to have powers.

After the operation

I feel dizzy. There are flowers everywhere. I think I shot one out of my hand. Are there vines growing on my arms? I have a headache.

Please, make it stop.

Save me.

It hurts, please. I don't like it.

It smells too sweet. Its hurting my nose.

Please. I didn't want this.

Why are there flowers everywhere? They're up to my knees. I'm getting weak.

Save me, please. Make it stop.



So there you have it. Thoughts?

I'm thinking I could maybe make it into a normal story, ya know, not a fanfic? Idk, what do you think?

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~Lilia Rose <3

The Flower Girl ~One Direction AU~Where stories live. Discover now