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"Ma , is my food the one with no fish" said Kobby. His mum replied saying yes.Kobby is a young man of 21years who lives with his parents. He is the only child his parents have , although they're are not a rich Family they try to help themselves out on surviving. His Mum " Eno Akosua"and his dad "Agya Koo Nimo " lived at Mataheko . After completing his education in the University of Cape Coast, Kobby has not really managed to get himself a job . Therefore​ he helps himself by pruning flowersof rich people in the neighborhood.His parents loved him very much and gave him all their support in whatever he does. Kwame on the other hand came from a rich background​ took Kobby as his best friend and usually shared everything with him. They knew each other since Junior high School and therefore know themselves very well. Kwame lived in Dansoman, very close to Kobby . More often when they go for programs Kobby spends​ the night at Kwame's home. They were more like brothers. Kobby's Father " Agya Koo Nimo " was a trader at the Mallam Market and therefore didn't have any good and rich friends to help secure his son a job , but Kwame's father who was very rich managed to get his son a job at one of his brothers Bank at East Legon. Kwame had everything at his disposal . He has been pampered since childhood and does not really care about anyone. One Saturday when Agya Koo Nimo had left for work. Kobby went to his mum and asked " Ma , but why is it that we are so poor and most of my friends are very rich especially Kwame , he has everything phone, tablets, a big bed for himself, and even a car but me at the age of 21 I still sleep on the mat , with no pillow. Both of you don't even hold phones talkless of me . This is bad o Maame . As he was complaining tears were rolling down the cheeks of his mom.This made Kobby feel bad. His mum said' Kobby take your time okay , nobody wants it this way but that's what life has brought to us we have to face it strongly and I believe that one day God would make a way and everything would be different . Your dad and I love you so much and that's what you should have in mind my son . Kobby was feeling bad and just left . He had an appointment to prune flowers at one of his neighbors home so he left to do it . On his way he met William one of his friends in the vicinity. They exchanged gestures and were really happy to meet each other ." William its been long o . How​ are you and your family ? " Kobby said . " We are doing great my brother , You have to come home and visit us o . " William replied. Kobby promised to do that one of this days . "But tell me, where do you work now" William asked Kobby . He replied saying " am still searching for a job o my brother " William was perplexed and asked " ah but Kobby you were one of the best in our school , with second class upper and you can't secure yourself a job ? Even Kwame who used to do things haphazardly is now a manager at CalBank . " Hmmmm my brother God would make a way . Kobby said . They exchanged gestures, William gave him his cardand took off. On his way to one of the houses to prune flowers, Kobby was moody and was just thinking about the things William had said . He pruned and decorated the flowers nicely but was still moody . His neighbor noticed this and asked but Kobby pretended that all was well. He took the little cash he had earned took his leave . In the evening , Eno Akosua and Agya Nimo were discussing their son . " Agya , Haven't you noticed Kobby has been thinking too much offlate. We have to advise him before he thinks of doing something bad ." Eno Akosua suggested . " My wife I would talk to him don't worry. " No you have to talk to him now , Eno said. Then she shouted Kobby Kobby Kobby . He responded and went outside where they were . " Eno , you called me " he said . Take a chair and join us here we need to talk to you. He did just that . His parents spoke wise words to him and advised him not to do anything bad but he should leave everything to God . He told them he had heard and promised not to do anything foolish . They all prayed and left for bed . Early the next morning Kobby woke up and started searching for William's complimentary card, in order to call him and find out if he could help him secure a job . He searched and searched but only to find nothing. He decided to go to Kwame's house to see if he might get it cause they were all friends. Kwame on the other hand was still in bed, waiting for his mum to come wake him before he would get ready for work. He worked at CalBank's main branch at Adabraka . His Father's brother owned the place so he normally did what he liked cause no one was really checking him. On Kobby's way to Kwame's home something shocking happened, he met two beautiful ladies, they were not too decently dressed but they were very beautiful. He had never stopped a girl to chat with her before it was very unusual of him, but that afternoon Kobby decided to try and talk to them. Though his instincts was against it , he still went on
"Hey ladies" he said . They stopped looked at him from head to toe and vice versa and one replied "what " . His zeal was still strong though he knew they didn't really care about what he had to say. " Yeah, erm erm er there is nothing wrong o. I have been seeing👀 you around more often and I decided to check if I could be your friend ." Kobby said. The two girls burst into laughter and the other one decided to talk this time , she said " gentleman you think we go round accepting friend request erhn , even wait o wait you think we roll with some guys of your caliber erhn , ugly moffo next time when you see us stop us aqain and you would see tsw " . And the girls left .At that time he knew he had messed up big time , he felt very bad and sad at the type of rude words the girls used towards him. He hurried to Kwame's place to tell him what had happened but ........

This is just the beginning.........Watch Out for Chapter 2🇺🇸❤

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