Chapter 1 - Springtime of Souls

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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Agnes. She's a smart, curious little girl who likes to observe things and people. Her gaze often makes someone feel uncomfortable and she asks questions keenly too. Her dad's a policeman who often comes late while her mother is a real estate agent who spends time on a smartphone than her. She has only Lisa, their superstitious maid.

[CHAPTER 1] -----------------------------------------

Rosebuds are starting to enscarlet the garden field outside little Agnes' window view and in this time of the Year, the best rainbows can be find anywhere.

"Agnes, I'm turning on the Sprinkleeer!" shouting from outside.

Agnes shrieking in excitement.

[CHAPTER 1] -----------------------------------------

Because of her father's assignment they're moving to a new house. Her dad assured that she's going to love it there and she'll make new friends in no time. Rain poured so heavy yet her father said to watch out for the rainbow after. Agnes gazes at the sun above the sky glittering in the leaves of passed-by trees beside the road. "Is there a swing there dad?" she asked.

After a week she's playing the see-saw at school alone though she has many friends to play with. One day, she came home and she saw her parents arguing which she never saw before; she rushes between them intending to stop the two but her mom and dad told her to go to her room in a loud tune.

The next day after school, she was sad; sitting at the seesaw, she's remembering how afraid she was seeing her father and mother hating and saying bad words to each other. On her way towards home she sees a little white cat walking and meowing, she called it to get near and finally gets to touch it and suddenly! vehicle hits her in the middle of the road, the vehicle stopped for a second but it drove away as she lay unconsciously.

She found herself in hospital bed with her mom and dad waiting for her to open her eyes. The doctors were fascinated that they did not found anything wrong. They embrace and she asked them if they are friends again. Her parents explained that it's normal for parents to argue sometimes and she should not be worried about it because they'll be okay in the end then she asked "is the cat okay?"

Soon, she's back at school again on seesaw during break, seeing schoolmates play from a short distance; a colorful butterfly got her sight following then a faceless translucent light-like kid greeted Hi in front of her. Her heart pumped so fast in surprise that she screamed and run away towards school canteen screaming her way thru the line of pupils going to the empty rooms and in there she saw a scary white dark-faced lady with a huge mouth and a long tongue sagging down that had her screaming again and running away. Her teacher found her chilling in fear in one of empty rooms and tried to comfort her to take her to the infirmary.

The teacher and principal could not explain what happened. Her parents took her to the doctor and have a checkup with a psychologist. On way back home, she asked stop by at the church to pray.

After a good rest, she's back at school again. While she's enjoying see-saw alone she starts to notice something that there are 'others' slowly getting clearer and clearer as the glare of the sun interacts with her vision; Light beings are playing on the playground besides the kids! She quits playing and observes them curiously; the rainbow-like vibrant hues in their bodies are fantastic! red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet indigo and their palms have different colors too. Strangely, one of them turns its head and walks near her then greets 'Hi, please do not be afraid like last time.'

It asked what's her name and she replied reluctantly. It called the others shouting "hey guys she can see us!" They gather around her asking how she can see them then someone said "it's the Blue", "the bluuue", "briiight blue", "biiiiig bluuue" pointing her forehead.

She asks them what they are and what they are doing. The Spirits answered that they love to play on earth playgrounds where there's children because they can stay longer whenever there are kids playing because if not they will go home early and when they go home they won't be back again. They are given a short time to stay because their coming to earth was aborted and some are short lived. They died too early. And so they were given a temporary suit; colors included which helps them to stay longer.

She asks why are they all by themselves but they told her someone is watching over them. Then there's this timid Spirit she observed that is intensely looking at her from a distance and she asks who and why is that soul not joining them.

The spirits went silent then someone said they call him "Sky-Pillow" because of his palms and she walks to the spirit and asks questions but it did not say anything instead it just embraced her long that felt warm and comforting.

And then the children-spirits went falling in line and which looks like the rainbow; she asks the Adult-Spirit who just came what and who he is and it revealed and unfolded His Wings. He told Agnes who that timid spirit is; it's her Brother who was so excited to see her and that his brother saved her from the accident making her recall the sky-blue, pink and yellow color of her clothes that day and her mother lost him because of working hard for their family. Knowing this, she embrace and holds tight of her brother before entering the light-portal until the last finger as she tells him she loves him over and over.

On the night of that day, the whole family decided to watch a movie but before they started she turned it off and reasoned that she wants to tell them a story by starting to ask "mom.. dad.. have you ever heard of the word "sky pillow"?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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