Star Wars The Old Republic: A Tale of Two Brothers

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Chapter 1

Dalfor walked down the twisting hallways of the dark spire, his own personal refuge from the warring sith outside, constantly vying

for power in a civilization where power meant everything. Of course Dalfor wanted power too but he already had it as even the petty dark council members knelt at his feet in fear and respect. For he was the voice of the emperor, and he was not to be trifled with.

Dalfar plodded through the dust covering the ground leading towards the sith academy, looking across the expanse of the planet that spread for miles onwards, then he looked down at all the sith initiates running around on their various missions to please some random Sith Lord or darth. "Pathetic," muttered Dalfar as he spat into the little valley and spun on his heals, headed for the dark council chambers and yet another boring meeting.

Dalfor sat down in his rigid metal throne waiting to be patched into the holo call network. Slowly Dalfor could see the flickering blue images of the dark council members. Soon Dalfar came into view, his eradicator armor black even in the blue light of the holo call and his mask replacing the slot where his eyes should be with pitch black holes. The armor was remnants of their victories in the sacking of coruscant. Belted into his side was Darth Thanaton's lightsaber, a trophy of the former dark council members defeat, subconsciously Dalfor rubbed Darth Baras's saber remembering a heated battle in which the treacherous Darth had been eliminated. His twin emanated a wisdom beyond his years, gained through experience and years of study given to him due to his master lord zash's failure to teach him. life had taught both brothers that the only way to gain respect, was through fear and manipulation and each had chosen one. Dalfar was the master of manipulation a promise of twisted words and lies would spill forth from his lips to be met with praise and worship, the darth even had his own cult to follow him on nar shadda, but his true life was met elsewhere in the brutal slayings of those who opposed him, of course the dark council member barely ever did the slaying, that was left to fear. Dalfor had adapted outside of the spectrum of manipulation and had instead gone with blunt aggression and rage, he was fear incarnate and he did well at showing it, Dalfor wore the same armor as his twin, hardened black plastisteel plating hidden by the flowing midnight black folds of his robe, and blending him into the shadows showing only the crimson blood red detailing, his mask was the final touch to the armor ensuring no one would see the skin, and no one would know he was even mortal. Even Dalfor's weaponry demonstrated fear an intricate lightsaber taken from the corpse of his former master, still stained by the blood, the crystal inside was pitch black creating only a with outline when activated true to be Dalfor was fear.

Dalfar stared brutally at the flickering blue image of his brother, What was he doing here? that lone though buzzed in his head like a hornet ready to strike. Of course the mere presence of the imposing mass of flesh, blood, and bone that Dalfar called brother meant this would quickly turn into an interesting day. The Voice of the Emperor usually only attended on matters of grave importance, as the meetings bored him. Knowing his brother Dalfar knew that even now his brother would be imagining the sweet sensation of crushing the life out of some some random lowlife beneath his foot rather than sitting in a cramped metal throne. With a cold grin hidden beneath the expressionless dark mask he always wore Dalfar reclined himself as far as his own throne would allow and folded his hands as if to show contempt, this wouldbe fun.

With a forlorn sigh of impending boredom Dalfor rose from his chair to begin the Dark Council’s meeting “ Thank you all for for coming” Dalfor began, annoyance dripping off his voice like molten plastisteel, “We have called you here because of a new threat discovered, and a possible ally to the empire.” A questioning sigh went around the room as those whose eyes were not lost by emotionless metal masks had their eyebrows rise in inquiry, Darth Marr was the first to speak up, his own voice resonating disbelief and skepticism, shooting a burning glare in Marr’s direction. Dalfor began to explain, “We have intercepted a republic transmission to an unknown com-point outside of our known galaxy, a place we have not yet traversed,listen to this now. With that a static filled transmission began to play and a warped and crackly voice filled the Council Chamber, “ help us please we beg of you!” the voice exclaimed with urgency, “the grineer have us pinned down, we can’t hold out for long, please hurry!” a deep and soothing voice soon followed, it reeked of the Jedi’s treasured “peace and tranquility” and bile rose into Dalfor’s throat, “Hold on, help is on the way just try to stay calm,” again the warped voice filled the chamber, “ Calm! How the hell do you expect us  to keep calm in this hellhole! We need he-,” the transmission cut off suddenly and the room fell into silence. Once again Dalfor raised his voice, “This is all we have managed to intercept between the republic and their newfound allies. We can only assume that this is bad news for us.” voices rose sounded out like thunder as council members demanded Dalfor further explain the point of drawing them here like cattle for such an insignificant cause as a new republic ally. “ENOUGH!’ Dalfor shouted his last shred of patience and sanity falling away as the boredom of the constant arguments tore away at him, “2 of us shall head to the new system in which these new allies are to examine their threat, we have never even heard of these so called “grineer” they were fighting thus that leads us to believe that this is an enemy we have never faced, we do not know if this is insignificant or not and until proven otherwise it shall be considered very dangerous, now if their are no objections….” Dalfor glared at the frightened men before him staring mouths wide open at the sudden outburst from the immense man who had just spoken, all except Dalfar who sat calmly in his iron throne, his cold empty eyes staring straight back at his brother. His anger subsiding Dalfor stood straight, “Brother, report to me on dromund kaas within the next day, we have business to discuss,” with that Dalfor’s flickering blue hologram disappeared and the council was left to fight amongst themselves and yells arose again in the Council chambers.

        Dalfar stumbled into his quarters within his ship, dropping his hood to his shoulders he let his mask fall to the floor, making a loud clang as the metals collided. Propping himself against a wall Dalfar gazed into the mirror that rested there, his yellow-orange eyes burning bright in the dim lighting of his ship Dalfar traced the scar, long and jagged running from his upper left temple down over his nose and ending on his lower right jawbone, the scar marred his red and black skin, a trophy given to him by his precious “brother”. The tips of his lips slowly turned upward in a slight grin as he began to laugh, hollow and full of hate his laughter filled the empty ship. This shall be fun, he thought to himself as the laughter settled and he fell into bed to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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