I Get The Defibrillator, I Feel Like Victor Frankenstein Today

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Olivia Welsh was not running. Or, at least, that's what she told herself.

She was simply grieving, her mother's death was the last straw in her already crappy life and she couldn't handle the stares, the pity, the way people tiptoed around her like she might suddenly flip at any second. She was not crazy, she was not depressed, she was just sad.

She sped down the motorway in her glossy red mustang, her music pounding in her ears, matching the rapid beat of her heart. Her windows were rolled all the way down, and the warm summer wind blew her dishwater blonde hair into her face. It was then that she saw the sign, Welcome To Brooksvale.

This was her chance, her fresh start, a way to leave everything behind. Nothing could ruin this for her. At least that's what she thought.


Xavier sighed and switched off his t.v., unable to concentrate. Alice was hiding something, that much he was sure of. She had been keeping something from him for a while now, and every time he saw her she looked sicker, and even more terrified. He had gone to visit her yesterday, and had slightly cracked her door open and politely told him to 'Fuck off.' He hadn't gone back since, and wasn't planning to today, but he couldn't help himself, and soon enough, he was walking to her house, his mind set on finding out what was wrong with her, one way or another. It wasn't healthy to let her continue to destroy their relationship. Maybe he would even get her flowers on his way there, red tulips had always been her favourite, and Xavier would do anything to see her happy again, see her chocolate eyes light up and her permanent smile deepen into a charming grin.

"Xavier! Wait up!" A soft voice, slowly drifted in his direction, it was Maria, the town sweetheart, and she was jogging after him, her long blonde hair flying behind her. When she finally caught up with him, she smoothed down her cute pink dress, and caught her breath,

"I'm worried about Alice, she looked really ill today when I visited, she wouldn't even let me inside, I was wondering if you could maybe find out what's up with her?"

Xavier smiled a little, everyone loved Maria, she was so caring, it was hard not to feel better in her presence.

"Yeah, sure. I was just going to see her actually, I'm wondering if she is maybe mad at me so I bought her some flowers,"

He murmured, hanging his head to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Brilliant! I'll see you later then, bye!"


He watched her petite frame walk away, before shaking his head slightly, and continuing down the pavement to his girlfriend, anxiety growing with each step.

By the time he reached her front door, his dark hair was sticking in every direction, and he looked adorable, in a messy way. The red tulips were held in his white-knuckled grip, just for her. But it didn't matter, she wouldn't see it, he was too late.

She was already dead.


Olivia sucked in a deep breath and went to answer the door. She had just gotten the last of her boxes inside her new house. It was small but it was pretty, and was better than she had expected. It gave of a homely feeling, not a cold empty one. She was living alone, but she was used to it, being aromantic after all. She perfectly happy with her own company.

Swinging open the heavy oak door revealed a girl no older than sixteen, who beamed at her. She stuck out a small hand with light blue nails,

"Hello, I'm Darcy, your new neighbour on the left hand side. My mom made cookies, we hope you enjoy them as a housewarming present!"

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