Her graceful figure silhouetted against the open window,
The hazy crescent of the horizon,
Sunlight creeping along the icy black hills,
The cold inky blackness of her hair contrasted against the fresh warmth of her pink skin,
Her posture serene, beautiful and distinctly sad.
The first rays of sun catching the clear reflection of her intense gaze,
Her warm eyes, filled with love and pain,
Flashing between anger and desperation,
Brimming with humanity,
Hungry for affection.
He studied her with an air of fascination,
As one admires a work of art, poised against the backdrop of his indifference
Memorizing each ripple of emotion as it cascaded across her features
Mesmerized by her raw and bestial desires,
So foreign from his own,
And though she ran to him he remained distant, aloof,
He ran a figure along her cheek, tracing the path of her tears,
As if her soul, streamed from the depths of her fathomless eyes.
He kissed her if only to feel the trembling of her lips,
The throbbing of her broken heart,
His fingers encircled her like a cage,
Stroking the fires of her damnation,
And though she begged to be released,
He continued to run his fingers along her heartstrings, dissatisfied with her tune.
Repulsed by the rawness of her impulses and the sincerity of her emotions,
Wasted and contaminated by his touch,
His eyes search for new landscapes amongst the illuminated mountainside,
His ears listen for the clean and sorrowful ringing of a new song,
Deaf to her drunken cries, he releases her into the wild,
Drained of vitality and naked to the elements.
PoesíaThis year has been a year of dysfunctional relationships, not only with other people, but also myself. This has been a year of inspiration, disappointment , and ultimately, rediscovery. These poems reflect my need to delve into, understand, and ex...