Chapter 1

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It was a warm morning, Kaki was taking a stroll

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It was a warm morning, Kaki was taking a stroll. While she was walking she had a flashback of her past with her mother when she was small. ''Kaki! Come back as soon as Possible! Dinner will be done soon!''called out Kaki mom as she was smiling and waving. ''I will!''yelled Kaki '' Also be careful!'' she yelled. Kaki just laughed softly while she was holding a unknown person hand as they walk. ''Don't Worry! We will be back soon as Possible!''he smiled back at her mother. ''C'mon before they'll be gone.''said Kaki as she pulled against the man arm.


When Kaki was done walking then she saw a Bar far from the Village so she decided to take a drink since it was the only bar close by. The giant Diane was outside, smelling flowers. King was healing the ones that she liked but we're dead. Ban was inside cooking while Meliodous crafting bear. Gowther is reading with Gulia, Gil at the bar and Hawk eating scraps like always. Then Kaki gently Knock on the door as she look at the sign, ''There's no need to knock, tsh!'' Meliodous welcomed the girl from behind the bar,cleaning out a cup. Diane looks down, ''It's a local bar! Step on in!'' She was inviting and warm. Smiles went around that room but Gowther kept his look of course. ''S-Sorry, I'm new here.''said Kaki as she smile cutely. ''My mother was talking about this bar and I can't I actually found it.''she added. Diane looked through the glass, bending over. King had a massive nose bleed and fainted. ''We move a lot.''Diane giggled. ''Welcome to our bat, then.''Gowther closed his book. Hawk ate and spoke,''No need-'he munched, ''To apologize, but you have to try Ban's Food!!'' He chows down. Ban chuckled a bit. Gilthunder drank his ale. ''It's delicious.''He reasoned with the talking pig. Kaki giggled as she nodded, ''I have a question.''asked Kaki with a worried but yet a sad expression. ''Yeah, what is it?''Meliodous stopped cleaning the cup. Elizabeth ran down the stairs. ''Ready to serve, Sir Ban.''She looks down, Ban gives her 3 plates to serve to a near by table of hungry guest. ''Are you the Seven Deadly Sins?"'asked Kaki. ''Yep!~ Captain of the 7 bunches standin' right in front of ya'!~'' Melodious smiles at her. Kaki smile a little then she held onto a small necklace, ''I finally did it, mom.''whisper Kaki as tears went down her cheek.''Woah, is everything okay?''Ban asked. ''Did you make her cry Cap?" Ban asked again. Elizabeth looked over at her, coming up to her. ''I'm glad you are happy.''She smiled and hugged her. Kaki gave a smile when Elizabeth hugged her, ''Thank you very much.''she said. Elizabeth let go and nodded. ''What's your name kid?''Ban asked. Diane coming inside, Merlin following same with King. Kaki stood up and bow, ''My name is Kaki, Daughter of Delmirev spirit''she said with a beautiful smile.Diane twirled her hair a bit, ''A dragon?'' She asked. ''Cool, you might know all of us already...But I'm Melodious, Dragon sin of Wrath. That's Diane, Serpent sin of Envy. That's Ban, Fox Sin of Greed. That's Merlin, Boar Sin of Gluttony. That's King, Grizzly Sin of Sloth, and that's Gowther, Goat sin of Lust...and Escanor, can't be here at this time sadly.''He smiled. ''I'm actually gald to meet you all.''said Kaki as her skin became a pale then suddenly blood started to show on her shirt. Meliodous just pointed at her shirt. Not saying anything, Hawk spit his food out, ''What the heck is that?!''He yelled. Gowther entered, King holding his arm out to Diane, just in case something were to happen. Kaki eyes went dull as she her body quickly hit the ground, Elizabeth catches her, ''We must get her upstairs!''. Ban slide over the counter top, taking her from Elizabeth and taking her to a room upstairs. Merlin, King, Diane and Gowther followed. Hawk and Meliodous manta one the bar. Ban placed her on one of the beds. Merlin was checking her body out, trying to find the problem. ''Let me know if i can help in anyway!'' Diane let Merlin Know. Elizabeth sat next to her bed. Kaki was in pain as she try to breath, her body was transforming a bit as more blood flow onto the sheets. ''Transforming.'' said Merlin. ''What the hell is that supposed to mean?!''Ban yelled. ''I believe she is transforming into a dragon or something else. It's a quite painful experience.'' She turned this opportunity into a expermental one. ''Don't Toy with her Merlin, She is in pain.''King seriously spoke. ''What could it kill?''She smirked. Diane grabbed her, ''Let's just help her, okay?'' She told Merlin. Merlin rolled her eyes,''Fine.'' Then Kaki body started to turn into a Female Dragon with a human form, Her tail touched the ground making a 'Thud' noise. ''Holy Shi-'' Ban was cut off by a slap from Diane. ''Unique. it's like the ones in the books. ''Gowther said fascinated. Elizabeth was amazed and King was shocked. ''I've seen creatures like this before in the fairy Realm. But they weren't full dragons.''King explained. Kaki slowly open her slit eyes, her clothes silding off her body then she open her mouth showing some fangs then let out a beautiful not that echoed. No one said anything, they just looked at her. Kaki look at the group as her hair flow a bit. ''Hm? Is something wrong?''asked Kaki. ''.......'' Ban just laughed a bit, Diane elbowed him. making him spit blood and land on the ground. ''You transformed into a dragon.'' Gowther said nochelontly. Kaki face went red as she quickly hide under the blankets, ''There's nothing you should be scared of...I should know.''Diane saddens.''We aren't going to judge you for your looks.''said Elizabeth smiles. ''But..I'm a monster. ''said Kaki. ''People think I'm a monster.''Ban said. ''Humans hated us all because they thought we were monsters.''Diane says. 'We look farther than jsut looks,''King looks at Diane, ''o matter what race, Species, small, or huge. We all bleed blood - That's what we have in common.''King protests. Merlin and Gowther nods their heads. Kaki slowly remove the blanket off her head then Elizabeth put out her hand, and smiled at her kindly. ''We aren't here to judge you.''Elizabeth spoked. ''Thank yo-'' squeaked Kaki when she felt someone hand on her butt. Meliodous had a smug look on his face. ''For a Dragon your pretty big.''He chuckled. Elizabeth blushed, ''EH? I'm so sorry Kaki!'' She apologize. Diane and Ban were normal, they are used to that. ''C-Captain?'' King fainted. Kaki face went super red as she squeal softly, ''Um...does this mean, I joined the seven deadly sins?" She asked. ''No.''They all spoke. ''There are only seven and will be seven. But you could tag along like Elizabeth and Hawk.''Melipdous got up. Ban was called by some guest downstairs. ''Gotta go do my Job.''He left to downstairs. So did Meliodous & Elizabeth, it is their Jobs so it was now 4:40 and Escanor wasn't far away. ''What is that huge amount of magical energy?'' Gilthunder asks and Melodious chuckles. He started to evacute the guest in the bar for thier safety. Kaki was confused as she look around. Diane grabbed Kaki, ''We gots get out of the bar or he will melt it!'' King floated out with his pillow and sighed, Merlin walked out like a model. They all headed outside. A tall, scary looking guy comes up, ''It's been four hours since noon, have you cooled down buddy?'' Meliodous asks with a chuckle. ''Man its getting so hot'' King complained. ''I'm sorry about that..''Escaper apologized. He noticed Merlin and got a tiny bloody nose. ''M-MERLIN?!'' He got onto the ground. He hated it when she saw him like this. ''Get up, it's fine.'' She laughed, Elizabeth joined, Ban ran off into the woods. When Kaki saw Ban then a small blush form on her cheek, Diane saw the blush and nodded her head, ''Ehh?~'' She could tell. ''H-Huh?" said Kaki as she look at Diane. ''You totally like him!..''Diane whispered to Kaki. King overhearing the, He had thoughts in his mind. Kaki squeak then she shook her head. ''N-No, I mean.....I do.''Whisper Kaki.''Your secret is safe with me.''She smiled at her. Walking up to Escaper, Diane's enchantment wore off. Clothing ripping off her because of her growing size. ''wWAHH?!'' Diane yelled, ''DON'T LOOK AT ME!'' she hid behind Momma Boar. King completely lost it getting a nose bleed. Merlin walked behind the Boar, teleporting her giant clothes. Elizabeth giggles while Kaki look at King and laugh a little. Diane steps around with her normal outfit on, ''That's better!"" She spotting out Ban coming out from the woods. With a gray hound on his back, He put it down on the ground. ''Mind roasting that Escaper?''Ban said in a whistled tone. His face half scratched and heals over seconds. Kaki was surprise that Ban survive from that until she felt a chill up her back, She quickly turn and look at the mountains in a far distance then she quickly ran in full speed. "Okay bye." Meliodous put his hands in his pockets and watched as she ran away. "Uhh..Captain?" Ban looked at him, "Maybe she has somewhere to be?.." Diane added. "I'm going after her." Ban said, "I'm curious if she is good for meat~" He chuckled, "Your a sick basterd, ya' know~" King rested his head on his knuckles. Placed on his pillow in the air. "You lay a finger on her and I'll kill you!" Diane shouted at Ban as he starts to go. Elizabeth chases after him, "I'll go to!" She caught up. Ban throws her back into Meliodous' arms. "It's a dragon we are dealing with. They aren't very safe ya' know. Plus,.." He grip her boobs. "It's better here " He huskily chuckled. Elizabeth blushed. Then Kaki jump through the trees as a growled escaped from her mouth, she started to climb up the rocks as she dig her nails into them. Ban jumped and was catching up to her pretty darn fast,''Mind telling me what's going on?'' He yelled-kinda. Kaki didn't answer then she came to a stop as she walk to the center, A rock almost fell on Ban before he caught it and threw it. Landing almost on top of Merlin before Escanor broke the rock with his last strengths for the sun was going down. Kaki close her eyes then suddenly a man aim towards her but he dodge it just in time. Ban tilt his head, ''Huh?'' He looks at her confused. He gets up on the Mountain. Only to be shot in the head, He coughs out blood and grabs the bullet in his head only holding it in his hand before the blood is all gone.''Explain right now Kid!'' He yells, Getting mad quickly. ''It's Him.''mumbled Kaki. Then a Chuckle broke the silence and there stood a tall man with silt eyes as he smirk. ''Smart girl.''He said. ''Who the hell are you?"' He gets out of his slouch. ''Why are you trying to hurt this girl?''He faces the man's way. ''Ban, Leave no-.''said Kaki. ''Like Hell I will. I want some god damn answers!''He shouted looking at the scaled girl then back at the man. ''You have nothing to do with thi-''yells Kaki but she cut off by a punch sending her through multiple trees. Ban growls and punches the guy into the ground, ''We're having a Conversation Bud Out!'' He scolded. The Man slide a inch then a smirk grew on his face within a blink of a eye, he punch Ban with force sending him flying. He started to Laugh, ''Was that a fucking tickle?'' The punch fueled him, using Physical Hunt. ''Any punch you throw will only fuel me bud.''He smirked. ''You must be one of the Deadly Sins...I should've kill her and the damn mother of hers when I had a chance.'' said the Man as he scoffed. ''Your before I rip your arm off, tell me - what the hell is going on?!''He shouted again at him, moving so quickly up to the man placing two of his fingers on his neck, ready yo slice it off. ''I'm the father of Kaki....King Kimbatuul.''He answer, ''Tch....and why do you want to kill Kaki?" He ask, drawing blood from Kimbatuul's neck already, barely pressing. Kimbatuul narrow his eyes then he grab Ban by the neck and toss him far that nearly hit the Boar hat then Kaki brust through the forest and hit Kimbatuul stomach with all her strength. Ban Cursed and jumped up onto the Mountain using Snatch, he ripped out his arm then his heart. Kimbatuul didn't flinch, his body went back to normal then he quickly knee Kaki in the stomach making her cough up blood.Ban whistled for the other seven to come and so they did. Merlin casted a spell on time. Keeping the sun out as if it was noon. Escanor became stronger than all of them quickly. Reaching at 45,000 PL already. "Perfect Cube." Merlin had everyone inside a cube not even demons can escape. "Mind telling us the hell you are doing?" Meliodas placed his sword on his back, everyone ready to attack. ''You are weak just like your mother, No wonder it was easy to kill her.''smirked Kimbauul. Kaki eyes widen then she slowly got up but fell back down. ''You must be Meliodas?'' question Kimbauul. Elizabeth ran over to Kaki, ''We're over here bud. Stop talking her or I'll rip out your vocal Chords.''Ban growled. ''Yes, I'm Meliodas, here to tear, rip and shred your body if you hurt any of my friends or comrades.''He explained. Kimbauul chuckled lowly, ''Oh really? Seem my wife and Daughter are both fools listening about the Seven Deadly Sins.''smirked Kimabuul. ''Is this even worth my time?" Escanor looked up at the sun. ''I know right, I could be eating pork right about now!~'' Diane complained. 'Anyone of us can't be take down, we all surprise you no matter what.'' Merlin chuckled a bit. She scanned his power level, ''Even Gowther could.''She smiled. Kimabuul growled lowly then attacked them. ''Full encounter.'' Meliodas made the attack to go back at him. Kimbauul grunted in pain as he hit the ground, ''Give up and we will spare you.''Merlin says. Each of the Sins not even hurt or scared of Him. Kimabuul growled as he stood up slowly, ''Never.''He growled. Diane smashed him with her Gideon. "Your going to end up dead pretty soon, not to mention Escanor is more than 50,000 times more powerful than you so, have fun in hell if you don't!" Diane shouted. Kimabuul wince as he hit the ground even more, They all get into a stance that most people fear dearly. ''You will perish!'' yelled Kimabuull as he attacked.King places Chastifol by his neck, hitting him up in the air. Diane smashes him into the side of the wall with Gideon. Escanor, finishing him off, places a smaller version of the sun right in his face, "No, you will perish." He said, finishing him off.Kaki was becoming weak as she turn pale. "Congratulations, you finally that so called "daughter" the last species of our kind."smirked Kimabuul as he cough up blood. Elizabeth starts to tear up, tears land on Kaki, "T-this is wrong... this is not how you treat your own d-daughter!" She yelled at him before he goes. Because of her Goddess magic, it heals Kaki overall. Kaki slowly open her eyes, ''Elizabeth.''mumbled Kaki. Merlin undoes the spell of the cube and it's all sudden night, so Escanor can be around, ''She needs rest.'' Merling teleported them to the Boar hat. Kaki close her eyes again slowly falling a sleep. ''Is she really the last kind of her species?''asked Hawk as he look at Merlin. ''Quite possibly.''She replies looking at the girl. ''Sad..''King placed his hands in his pocket. Ban drank his beer next to her bed. ''So what do we do now?"asked Hawk as he look at the Seven, Kaki slowly open her eyes half way."We continue to protect Liones and one another, grow in prosperity and health. Holding each other dear." Merlin smiled at the pig."Is she gonna wake up or not?" Ban asked drunk as ever. Merlin rolled her eyes and still works on helping her, while Elizabeth blames this on herself. Meliodas takes care of the bar downstairs in the mean time Diane is asleep, and King is out on a stroll. Escanor, is hiding from the others since he is weak. He writes poetry as he stays hidden from the rest. Gowther, is reading near Meliodas' bar, on the table near-by.

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