The Dream...

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Hello guys im actually going to try and make an effort on this book, so stay updated c:

As i wake of hearing my annoying alarm go off, i cover my face with the cold side of the pillow as i close my eyes i realise i have school in an hour. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and go make break-fast as i pour the cornflakes my phone viberates, I answer without looking at the caller id. 'whaatt?' i said in an unattrative voice. I looked at the number realising it was robbie the hottest boy in my school. SHIT i panicked not knowing what to do.I picked up the phone and softly spoke 'hello, whats up?'  he giggled and replyed 'oh sorry if i have woke you, i better go then' 'no you don't have to i was just surprised that you called me, i never knew you knew i existed'  i heared him laugh ofcorse i know a pretty girl, i was just wondering if you wanted to meet me and my friend at all lights down night club? oh and make sure you bring a friend, sure ill see you later then *call ended* OH MY GOD i was so excited i quickly dialled my best friend kasie's number and told her, she sounded happy as i was..

2 hours later...

As i backcomb my long black sexy hair i put on my make up and my tight blue dress, i thought to myself wow i look hot, i wasn't even going to lie about that...

updating soon, love ya's c:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2014 ⏰

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