My Mate

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so, hey! my name is Lyndsey and this is my first book,  i love comments but if you dont like it at least give me some constructive critisism so i know that there is some thing to be improved! oh and i'm only 14 buuut! dont let that stop you from reading, i really like to write and yeah... so with that you can start reading :)

My Mate.

As I got ready for another day at that hell hole some call a high school, my mother came into my room, probably trying to get me to put on more make up or dress better. She was Alpha female and thought of me as a disgrace, as for my sister, I couldn’t say the same, she was a year older than me and was pretty, popular and her mate didn’t reject her. Well that’s the opposite of me! I’m that nerd that the popular boys, otherwise known as alpha and his possie, come to thinking that they could do me a favour, trade sex for cheats to every subject. I said no of course, I wasn’t like most of the girls that practically begged for attention from the popular boys in hope they would get some action, ugh that was just disgusting. I heard a snapping and realised I’d spaced out. My mum didn’t look happy.

“Clover! Look at me! Goodness, and to think you have Alpha blood!” Anger grew when she said that, I could take her not wanting me but to disrespect my blood? No, that was too far, my wolf raised her head puffed out her chest and growled, how dare she!

“Yes mother?” I practically growled ignoring her last comment.

“Do not talk to me like that! I came here to ask you if you would like to go shopping after school seeing as you are in dire need of new clothes, but if you speak to me like that again I may change my mind.” As she said that her nose turned up at my outfit. She thought she was doing me a favour! I didn’t even look that bad, I was wearing black skinny jeans that hugged my thin but muscular legs and a baggy Beatles shirt matched with some worn out converse shoes. I didn’t need new clothes!

“Sorry mother, I didn’t mean to disrespect you. Sorry I don’t want to go, I have all the clothes I could ask for.” She was not going to take this well I could see by the look on her face, I’m in shit.

“Fine! I won’t offer again, now get out of my site before you get me angry again!” well that was it, I was out of there. I ran out of my room and tore down the stairs of the my packs house and sprinted out to my little buggie, jumping inside and feeling safer already, the minute she told dad, I was in so much trouble I didn’t even want to think about it. All over my clothes! Aren’t mothers meant to be caring and not care what you look like? Ugh! I turned out of the driveway and headed towards grandpas, it was too early to be at school and he was the only reason I had stuck around all these years, he never cared about how I looked and told me I was beautiful and to top it off no matter how important his business was he would drop everything to let me cry on his shoulder. He was my everything; I don’t think I would have survived the past three years of high school without him. As I pulled into his driveway I sensed something was wrong. It was to silent, his house was never silent, being on the edge of the forest you could always hear birds but not today, today it was dead silent. Jumping out of the car ready to shift at any moment I ran into the house.

No. It can’t be. No.

There lying lifeless on the floor to his living room was my grandpa. He can’t be dead, he can’t be. He was grandpa!

I ran over to his body and something was wrong this wasn’t a death of natural causes, I saw the tell-tale sign of a broken neck as I got closer and noticed his body and head weren’t completely lined up.

Tears poured down my face. Who could do this!? To grandpa! He was so kind and gentle. I heard a rustling and spun around so fast I’m surprised I didn’t give myself whiplash. Standing there was my worst night-mare. A hunter.

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