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            Monica was born on September 7, 1984. Her mother was a caring one and always did what she could to support her and her older sister, Amy. At a young age their father left them so, both Monica and Amy had to begin working at an early age to support their family of three.
         As time went on Amy left to fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor. After Amy left for college, Monica had to do two jobs so her and her mother could survive. However, one day while Monica was at work she met someone by the name of James. James came from a family of higher class people. Because of this he didn't go to a pizza place much since he had a professional chef and all.
      James walked into the pizza place and went to order a pizza. He looked into Monica's eyes. There was a connection that no matter where in the room you stood you could feel the presence of.
      James and Monica went on many dates and even met each other's family. James's family didn't like Monica because she was not from a rich family. However, that didn't stop Monica and James.
On July 9th, 1999, James and Monica got married. Monica who was once Monica Maria Theresa Miller  was now Monica Maria Theresa Gerber.
   However everything changed in 2002, when Vanessa was born. Vanessa was very beautiful except their was one problem, Vanessa looked nothing like James. Little did James know that not only was it not his, but it was his brother's, Jason.
James got into heavy drugs afterwards because it helped calm him when he would fight with Monica. One night no one was home but James. While he was sitting on the roof smoking he heard Monica walk in the door and freaked out. He slid off the slippery, wet roof causing him to slip off. He had such a bad brain injury he passed away.
After the passing of James, Monica and Vanessa moved to a city apartment. However because James has a well paying job, they see still in a good area of town that was safe. Because Brooklyn had many fish in the sea Monica moved on after a bit of time. She met a guy named Matthew. At the time they worked well, so well they Monica got remarried. However overtime her step-father got into alcohol because of his coworkers at his job.
       One night Vanessa was doing her homework, when she got a call. It was her best friends, Abby,Gemma, and Chloe. They begged her to come help her study for their math test. Vanessa was incredibly smart, she has never got anything under a ninety-five! Of course since she was a caring friends she was good with the idea. Her mom gave her the green light so she ran out the door.
     Shortly after Vanessa left, Matthew came home from his job. Because it was already late, Monica already had her pajamas on. Because Matthew was drunk he got super mad about it, he went into a rant about how she is  always so lazy. Now Monica didn't really realize it at first but Matthew was obviously drunk. She didn't realize that starting a fight with him would be the worst thing she could ever do! "I'm so tired of you coming home drunk!" "And I'm so tired of you always getting in my way and never wanting to do anything during the weekend." "It's not even the weekend!" She exclaimed.
     The fighting went on and on. Monica got so mad she walked out the door onto the street of Brooklyn. As she was walking all of a sudden she heard someone pacing towards her. Obviously this caused Monica to worry, so she started walking somewhere else far away  from her daughter because she didn't want Vanessa to get hurt. She walked blocks, after blocks, after blocks, until eventually she turned around to see what it was. She screamed in horror! She saw Matthew behind her with a knife. He stabbed her right in the lung. Unfortunately, by the time the paramedics got there Matthew was already gone and Monica had passed.
      The worst part of this was Vanessa didn't have a phone so there was no way for anyone to contact her to let her know what was going on. Around 9 PM she started to walk back towards her apartment. When she got there she knocked on the door because she didn't have a key at the time. She kept knocking and knocking and knocking. She started to wonder "Where was everyone?"
       All of a sudden her grandma and her aunt, Amy opened the door. Both were in tears. In that moment Vanessa had a bad feeling in the pit in her stomach.
      For many weeks Amy took care of her. But because of the fact that there family was mostly poor, Vanessa had to be put in the Foster system.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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