Dangerous Women Tour

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Ariana Grande POV: well another day was very tiring and today was my first ever tour of dangerous women and i can't believe going back to phoenix haven't been there in 2015  so  it was around 6:30am here and i was packing everything up for the tour and i had to wake up my babu (mac miller) so i did and he started to get up and i was making vegan breakfast and then i feed my dogs and goats, after i was done with that i started to charge all my devices and texted my makeup artist to pack up cause he's coming with me obviously and i even taking some of my friends.

7:10am while ariana was packing and was done eating breakfast the car was getting ready and so she called a uber driver to take to the airport said goodbye to her dogs and her mom and frankie, the only person in the uber was mac and her and her friends...

8:00am mac miller gave ariana a kissed and said goodbye and told her to stay safe at the private jet so there was no paparizzi's and she had no makeup on and the airplane left....

Well the airplane was very long ride for me and now Scott and Brian were taking my suitcases which was sweet of them and my expert makeup artist Daniel was with me and we finally arrived in phoenix Arizona at 10am

and the journey begins  on my tour...

stay tune for part 2

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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