the beginnings

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"you have been found guilty, and are now banished from here on out from the council" ...the words keep running in my head.How did it come to this? All I did was what I thought was right.let me start from the name (for your purposes,i can't at the moment tell you my real name) I'm not supposed to be telling anyone anything,so call me kovah. I am known as a soul reaver( I don't actually steal souls this is a common misconception, I feed off people's emotions,sometimes if im desperate i can steal peoples energy,making them go from feeling good to suddenly weak and lethargic) I was until just recently a leader in what is known as "the council" for simplicity.We run policy for all the supers(vamps,wolfs,halfbreeds,hybrids ect) no species can do anything drastic, or even go to war with each other without our permission,what you need to understand is this the telling of a story that happened hundreds of years ago. The telling of the creation and downfall of "the council''
Now obviously you know the species that I just named,im the main  reason why you do,see nowadays it's normal to talk about this stuff .everyone knows about vamps,halfbreeds ect now,they even make movies about them now it's basically common knowledge,but it wasn't always this way.
Let me give you some background,this story takes place   hundreds of years ago in a place who's real name cannot be revealed,not even I am willing to tell you that,for good reason,you ask for what reasons,afraid I can't even tell you that,not yet at least.

"Where do you think your going" asks my soulmate(a vamp btw) she is known as Kiss for short can't reveal her full name atm,
'im going into town,im hungry it's been 2 months since I've fed off of human energy,im sick and tired of being cooped up in this mountain,you know even though I can't stand most humans,but they can be more interesting than you vamps,no offense but all y'all do is sleep all day and party all night,its boring,."
"So what you going to hang out with the normies? You know that's not looked at acceptable,we stick with our own kind"
"Our own kind" ha that's rich coming from you,ive never even met another like me and I've been alive for over 300 years," Im going to town with Logan, Sky,and Venus your welcome to join us,my love"
'yea cause I want to go hang out with a Lycan,a fairie,and a hybrid,and mix with humans on top of it,your crazy,have a good time,ill be here with my own kind safe and content'
"Have it your way my eternal love we will be back in a couple days"
Fine,just remember to stay  veiled,dont reveal what you all really are.
"I will,i don't see why we can't let the humans know we exist,its bullshit hiding who and what we are to an inferior race"
"Its just how it always has been"
   Yaya I've heard it all before 
So I gave her a kiss goodbye and headed out of the mountain that her clan had claimed as theirs and met my friends couple miles away,see all species tended to stay with their own and all are very particular about there boundaries,you needed special permission to enter another territory(as the only known of my race and congenial personality(easy to get along with) I am allowed into all species territory,it took over 100 years to get their collective permission but now I'm basically an interspecies emissary,a fancy way of saying a message carrier,when one race wants to talk to another I'm the one sent with the messages because all the races trust me some even really like me,(fairies in particular,they are a tricky species,no one trusts fairies,you know why,they can't outright lie but they can not tell you the full truth, little known fact they invented the loophole,they have a way of getting out of anything,agreements,promises and the like,this is why no one trusts them,but they trust no one,not even each other.( I've known Sky for almost 60 years but we trust each other even if he       is a fairie) that's a story for another time though,well that's all I have time for now,ill continue and tell you about our adventure into town later,it changed all our lives and in turn changed all your lifes as well,its a kinda long story and I need to rest and collect my thoughts,im reaveling a forbidden story I want to make sure it's told right,until then,live well


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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