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The scene opens on the interior of Invisus, Lucifer sitting at the controls. Through the primary windows we can see that he’s just breaking through the atmosphere into space, and as the ship breaks orbit and puts some distance between it and whatever planet, Lucifer turns until we can see the globe through a side window. Dolomar is a predominantly white planet, but even against such a backdrop and in such a cold environment, the fires raging where Diflu once stood nestled in a cavern structure is plainly visible. As Maelibi enters, plainly full of adrenaline, music—strangely upbeat—begins playing, superceding any sound of the actual scene. Maelibi’s mouth moves rapidly as she collapses into the copilot seat, babbling something at her lover but he doesn’t seem to hear, continuing to stare out the side window at his burning home. He does, however, give a slight nod, his face otherwise inscrutable.

'Cause I know that time has numbered my days

And I’ll go along with everything you say

A small curve takes his mouth as he does offer a glance to the woman with him, the smile faint, but present.

But I’ll ride home laughing, look at me now

That the walls of my town, they come crumbling down

Though she’s not showing in the least and it’s uncertain whether he’s just speculating to himself on the future or not, his gaze falls briefly to her abdomen as she reclines, laughing brazenly at something he just said.

And my ears hear the call of my unborn sons

And I know their choices color all I’ve done

Lucifer rises, abandoning piloting for a moment to step closer to Maelibi.

But I’ll explain it all to the watchman’s son

I never lived a year better spent in love

Planting his hands on the armrests of her seat, he leans over her, their foreheads touching as he murmurs something. At first his eyes are closed, but as she grins wildly and throws her arms around his neck, pulling him down farther (and clearly off-balance) into a passionate kiss, they briefly open in surprise before slipping closed again as his assaulted lips mirror her joy and desire.

'Cause I know my weakness, know my voice

So now believe in grace and choice

And I know perhaps my heart is farce

But I’ll be born without a mask

Returning to his seat, each of them works a few controls as Invisus slips into hyperspace and vanishes from the core worlds.

The scene shifts, we get a brief view of the hull of the ship, ragged and battered.

Like the city that nurtured my greed and my pride

I stretch my arms into the sky

Inside the two occupants look little better. Though the rough and tumble appearance suits Maelibi and she is apparently comfortable with it, Lucifer seems less satisfied with the slightly tattered mishmash of clothes he wears, the dark stubble decorating his cheeks.

I cry ‘Babel! Babel! Look at me now!’

Then the walls of my town, they come crumbling down

He seems withdrawn, flinching away from her touch, which puts a flatly annoyed expression on her own face.

You ask where will we stand in the winds that will howl

As all we see will slip into the cloud

Grabbing his hand with her mechanical limb—leaving him little real choice but to follow—she drags him into what has become their shared room, no longer decorated with the trappings of his former aristocracy, but with eclectic mementos of the life they’ve been struggling to build. The mirror he once had angled to studiously inspect his clothing without seeing his own face has now been bolted to the ceiling. Just above the bed.

So come down from your mountain and stand where we’ve been

You know our breath is weak and our body thin

She speaks rapidly, waving one arm about the room at the various odd accoutrements that must have sentimental value. The box of “blessed herbs” they were gifted from some primitive refugees who benefited from Lucifer’s medical knowledge and Maelibi’s technical aptitude. The blasted and ruined hydrospanner that saved her life by being in the chest pocket of her coveralls when pirates tried to take the ship on Tatooine. The tiny pair of shoes representing their eventual hope.

The camera focuses in on her face as she sighs at his continued dispassion.

Press my nose up to the glass around your heart

It shifts to him, one hand covering his eyes as his shoulders slump in defeated irritation.

I should have known I was weaker from the start

She tugs his hand from his face and taps him lightly on the nose, drawing his gaze before she says something and nudges the side of his jaw with her prosthetic fist, smirking playfully.

You’ll build your walls and I will play my bloody part

To tear, tear them down

Though he snorts and shakes his head, an irresistible grin begins to form.

Well I’m gonna tear, tear them down

'Cause I know my weakness, know my voice

But I believe in grace and choice

And I know perhaps my heart is farce

But I’ll be born without a mask

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