Life or Love

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I can still remember his dark brown eyes. They could make your heart melt with one look. His black hair only makes him more beautiful.. too bad he has to die.

My name is Skylin. I remember the first time he and I met it was in 11th grade. His name is Dillon he has had the sweetest laugh you could ever imagine. He was linky but muscular and towered over me that was one thing that made me love him even more. He had eyes that went right through me. He had tattoos he had a bird on his chest and tattoos going all the way up his arms and a eyebrow piercing and i knew when he was going to kiss me he would always bite his lip and raise right eyebrow and give a crooked smile.

***** Flash back*****

We always got along then one day we stopped talking.. he didn't come to school for a week so i decided to text him..

Me: Hey Dillon i haven't seen you in a while and I'm getting worried are you okay?!?!?!

Him: I am fine but you need to stay away from me you aren't safe anymore.

Even though he wasn't talking to me i could tell he was angry and worried so I decided to call him... no answer. I don't know what has gotten into him but i don't like it I thought to my self. I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower and went through my normal routine: brush & braid my hair, brush my teeth and then slip into one of his big t - shirts he always left at my house. And went to bed.


The next morning i un-braid my hair and straighten it and put on foundation, black eye liner, soft pink eye shadow and dark red lip gloss and head out to my car. As soon as i got to school i saw Dillon but he was different. A almost devilish different. I went up to him to give him a hug and a kiss but he shrugged me off. And i stopped right in front of him and said : " Just because you tell me to stay away from you that i am "in danger" i make quotes with my hands. And he looks at me: " Sky I'm sorry but it's just safer for you to be away from me if they....." he stops himself and says " just trust me i love you and i don't want anything to happen to you okay?" he kisses my cheek and starts to walk away " Will you come by my place later" i ask worriedly he turns around and gives me a crooked smile and i know that is a yes. As i walk away i wonder what he meant by "they...." but i don't have time to think about that right now i am going to be late for French.

As i make my way to my seat right in between high school bad boy Richie he has black hair and bright blue eyes, and a six pack that every guy wants, he does this little smile out of the corner of his mouth I have known him since Kindergarten. And one of my best friends Catie she is tall and lean, she has light brown hair and hazel eyes and is the apple of every guy at the school's eye but doesn't care. I get an uneasy stare from Miss Gonzales. As i take my seat Richie looks at me " gee i never thought one of the preppiest girls at this school would be late for class" he said and did a little chuckle. And then i start blushing because he winks at me and i giggle and he smirks at my reaction. And thanks to that Catie catches me and coughs. She, Richie and I all have a very close background but Richie knows more than Catie about me... and yeah that is pretty bad but i mean come on i don't exactly like digging in my past and telling someone about them and the only reason Richie knows is because he was there..... the night my father got shot by a man who was trying to hide from the police. I remember every aspect... every detail of the man's face he had gray eyes that were full of anger and drive to kill.... Richie and i hid in a secret base we had made in my room while playing.... my dad was shot 4 years ago and i still remember everything...

***** BBBRRRIIINNNGGG*********

The bells rings and i come out of my daze thinking of my father's killer and Richie and Catie shake me " Sky are you okay" Richie whispers when he grabs me and hugs me tight as my eyes start to tear up. " No I'm not Richie" i manage to say between sobs. He hugs me tight and tells me everything is going to be all right. And i stop crying and look up at him with puffy eyes and he kisses me on the forehead, smiles and winks and walks out of the classroom. And by that time i noticed that what was left of the class was staring at me. Catie grabs my arm and walks me out of the room " what the heck was that" she asked as shocked as ever as we walked to our lockers to exchange our books. " Nothing i say it was nothing" i lie i missed Richie's hug already he smells like Axe i loved it. Catie continues to ask and i look over at her and give her the 'keep asking and i gonna beat you with a rock' look and she stops asking.

The day goes by really fast and by 7th period my favorite class of all Literature.. that is the only class i have with Dillon. I look at the empty seat to my right and pout. He must have gone home early i think to myself as Connnor walks in ( he is Dillon's best friend) "Hey Sky" he says to me i almost jump out of my seat because i was thinking about where Dillon was. " Hey Conn" i manage to say calming down my heart beat. " Dillon wanted me to give this to you he said happy anniversary" Connor hands me a box and a card. OH NO!!!!!!!!!! I completely forgot that tomorrow was our 2 year anniversary. My hands shake as i untie the ribbon on the box. "Oh my God" i half gasp and shriek. It is the infinity necklace i wanted it says ' I love you' i ask Connor to put it on me he happily obliges and smiles. I open the card and it say 'I will love you from infinity and beyond - Love Dillon' as i finish reading the card and slide it into my book bag as soon as Mrs.Mogella gets to her desk followed by a group of 5 guys ' they must be new' i thought to myself. ' As i got a closer look at them i could tell that they had tattoo's all except for one. Then " Alright boys what are your names?" Mrs.Mogella as she looks at the boys nervously. The first one has a shaved head and some freckles his name is Liam. The next one is blonde and has a thick Irish accent his name is Niall. The next one has green eyes and puffy curly hair his name is Harry. The next one has blue eyes and hair that somewhat covers his eyes his name is Louis. And finally the last one i have been staring at "Hi i'm Zayn" he says and all of the girls squeal.

He looks at me and smiles. Connor elbows me and i close my mouth... his voice, the way he stands, his eyes, his smile everything about him is perfect. I begin to feel my face turn hot. Zayn winks at me and i start to blush Zayn laughs at me.


That girl is cute and i think she likes me.. as soon as i said my name she stared at me and started blushing... that was adorable.


He has been looking at me for a while i wonder what he is thinking about? "Well boys go ahead and find an empty seat anywhere there is one available" Mrs.Mogella tells them eager to begin class. I begin to panic as Zayn walks towards me "Is this seat taken" he asks. "Not right now but the person that does sit here wouldn't mind if you did occupy this seat" i say casually but inside i am screaming my head off with excitement. "Cool... wait so i can sit here" he asks confusedly i nod and he smiles and takes the seat next to me. As we pull out our books Mrs.Mogella announces a GROUP PROJECT!!! She has never had us do a group project before. She looks at me and tells me I am allowed to pick my group. As i walk to the front of the classroom Zayn and Niall both whisper my name and i turn around and they are both pointing to themselves i giggle and the other girls give me dirty looks. Can i trust them to work with me and not screw this up? I sigh and give in " I choose Zayn and Niall both smile and jump out of their seats and up to Mrs.Mogella's desk as she tells us what our project is. I ask Zayn and Niall if they want to come by my house later and finish the project there they both say yes. The class goes by fast i feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket i look at the screen it's from Dillon.

Dillon: Hey babe am i still coming over to ur place l8r?

Me: Of course if you want to i mean i have some people coming over to finish a Literature project is that okay?

As i wait for Dillon to answer me back i get into my car and head home. I take off my hair and make up and take a hot shower before Zayn, Niall, and Dillon to get here. As i get my pj's on i hear a knock at my door so i throw on some shorts and one of Dillon's t-shirts it's like a dress on me but i don't care but i covers my shorts. As i open the door i see that Zayn and Niall are here so invite them inside and get the project from my room. I ask them if they want anything to drink they ask for beers and i happily oblige as i make myself a glass of tea. I hear someone knock on the door and i go to open it Zayn follows me to see who it is. As i open the door i drop my tea on the ground and grab Dillon in one of the longest hugs we have ever had.

He gave Zayn a dirty look as he watched Zayn turn the corner.

(I'm not done yet sorry for the cliff hanger but my friends really wan to read it its my first hope u enjoy)

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