Chapter 24

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Min's P.O.V

My phone rings. Vin wanna FaceTime me! I answered it. "Hey!!!!!" - she greeted me with a wide smile, waving.

"Hi!!!" - i greeted her back, smiling, waving back to her.

"How's Japan?" - i asked.

"Awesome! I shopped a lot." - Vin said, laughing. I laughed along.

"Anyways, i missed you!" - she said. I laughed.

"I missed you too! Bought for me anything?" - i asked.

"Of course! It's a secret." - she said. I giggled.

"Where are you now?" - i asked.

"In my hotel room. Going out later." - she said.

"Have fun~" - i said, smiling. She nodded. We continued talking. She'll be returning Korea in the next two days. Which is the next day, school starts. After talking to her, i lay down. I went to my photo gallery.

Looking at the photos i took, Yoongi took, when we were at the amusement park. Which is exactly 1 week ago. I smile wide looking at them. I'm amazed by how pretty they look. Yoongi's photography skills are no joke too.

I can't get over that he took pictures of me secretly. Remember when we ate ramyun tor breakfast? While waiting for our ramyun to come, i lean backwards while he leaned forward. And i saw him looking through Twitter. Before he went to Twitter, he took pictures of me secretly.

It was taken nicely so i didn't got angry or anything. Another one was when it was dinner time. When i was looking at the beautiful fairy lights and the view, etc. He was laughing on his own. That day always play in my mind. Like it was fun with Yoongi.

I grab the Tigger that Yoongi bought for me, hugging it. Someone knocked on my door and it made me went back to reality. The door opens, revealing eomma. "Why eomma?" - i asked.

"Ya! Don't you see what time is it? You're gonna be late for work!" - she exclaimed. I widened my eyes. I look at my watch and i have 30 more minutes. Oh my god! I got up quickly, getting dressed, doing my hair, makeup, etc.

While eomma stayed, looking at me with a disbelief face. Once i'm done, i turned to eomma. "What are you thinking of till you didn't realise the time?" - eomma asked. Well, i can't say i'm thinking of Yoongi.

"Nothing. I just miss Vin. Okay bye eomma!" - i said quickly and left.

"Or is it Yoongi?" - i heard her exclaimed from upstairs. I ignored, running out of my house, heading to Grey's Barista. Night shift and i hate it. Thank god it's off day tomorrow. And then, school starts.

Once i've arrive at the barista, i panted badly. I punched in my card, still panting. I grab a tissue and wipe my sweats away. Fanning myself with my hand because of the hotness. Once i'm okay, i put on my apron and start working. Doing the drinks that my colleague have told.

Fast forward...

Almost midnight. No customers. I let out a sigh. Bored. I tapped my finger on the counter, looking out of the store. Weirdly, i think of Yoongi. Like, i miss him. I've not meet him for the quite long. The last time i did, it was 4 days after going to the amusement park.

Someone walk in the barista as i stood up straight. I look up and froze. "Hi." - he said, smiling. My heart. It's beating fast just seeing him smile.

"Hi." - i answered. He pouted.

"Why didn't you smile to me?" - he asked. Who would it be right? Of course, Min Yoongi. I give him a smile. He smiled back. Why do i feel shy? Whyyyyy?

"So, no customers right?" - he asked.

"Wrong. You're a customer." - i said.

"Okay. Then i'll order Ice Americano and you, Kwon Min." - he said, giving me a wink. I went crazy inside. I blink my eyes continuously.

"Me?" - i asked.

He nodded. "I want you to be my date not so date for tonight." - he said, smiling. What? Eomma! Help me! Something is wrong with your daughter's heart! He's asking me on a date not so date! Eommaaaaaaaaa!!! I was whining, crying in the inside.

I look away, keying in his order and did his drink. I gave it to him, wanting to walk away. He held my wrist. He led me to a seat. He told me to sit and i did. He sit next to me, and drinking his drink.

"Yoongi, i'm working." - i said.

"I know. But there aren't any customers. So why not just stay next to me." - he said. He put his drink down on the table and turn to me.

"Plus i missed you." - he said, giving a sweet smile. Min Yoongi please. Oh god, stop. I stayed quiet.

"Why? You don't miss me?" - he asked, pouting.

"I do!" - i raised my voice a little.

"I do. I mean i do miss you." - i said again, lowering my voice. He chuckled.

"Anyways, i have something to tell you." - he said.

"What is it?" - i askrd. He leaned back, next to me.

"I'm going on tour. So i'll be in and out of Korea." - he said. Why do i feel sad inside? Does that means i can't meet him often? I mean like will it be difficult to meet him now?

"But it will start next week. So, before i start it, i wanna book you. For a day. Just me and you." - he said. I turned my face. Unintentionally making our face just inches away. I didn't know he turned his face.

"What do mean book me for a day? Am i a hotel? Or a motel? Either one is the same but am i one to you?" - i asked.

"No. It's just like for that one day, your schedule will be with me and booked by me." - he said, smiling. He's smiling and close to me and ahhhhh my heart.

I turned away. "When?" - i asked.

"Umm... on Wednesday?" - he asked. I stayed silent, thinking if i have any other things to do on Wednesday. I nodded, agreeing with him. Nothing on that day. And i have no classes on that day.

"Yay!" - he said, excited.

"You know what?" - he asked.


He grabbed my left hand. "I can't imagine going to tours and missing you continuously. I just wanna be with you." - he said. What does that meanssss? Stoppp my heart is ermahgawd.

"Why?" - i decided to ask.

"I don't know." - he said. He sit up and faced me.

"Being next to you makes me happy. Even if it's just quiet, no ones talking. Weirdly." - he said. Whatever he said, matched with mine. Weirdly.

"Oh! So! When are we gonna play basketball? And also i wanna see you play the guitar too!" - he said, changing the topic.

"On the Wednesday that we're meeting?" - i asked.

"Eo~ okay!" - he said, smiling.


DON'T WORRY! THERE WILL BE DOUBLE UPDATE!! But here it is! Hope yall enjoy this chapter! Lub you Goldey Babies 🌹💓💓💓💓

This chapter is more dedicated to yesterday's update huhu~

Follow my BTS series! Make sure you're on the right track! The stories have links with each other!

BTS Series:
1st Book - Married A Gangster(JK) [COMPLETED]
2nd Book - Love Hate(SUGA)
3rd Book - Just One Day(JM) -soon-
4th Book - Makeup Artist(JHOPE) -soon-
5th Book - Strength (RM) (?)
6th Book - <planning>
7th Book - <planning>

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13/6/17, 13th June 2017


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