" A sqaure Peg in a round hole"

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 One day a  star was walking  down the street and all he saw was  circles.  He did not understand why he was square and the others were circles. The circles were going though a circle door. The square came up to the door and looked inside and he could see  everyone having fun, people being successful, and people talking.  The square peg looked at the door and wondered if he could ever get in.  He ran and pushed but he couldn't get in. He did not fit into the circular door. Sad and depressed  he walked away.  Went on a long journey up and down the hills all alone. He liked be alone but he longed for friends also and kept searching for doors.

  Next he saw a triangle  door and looked inside and  they were having fun as well, they were different than the people inside the circular door they were more athletic and strong  and had lots of muscles. The star tried to push through the door but couldn't get through as he would not fit in with this group either.  The star kept walking even more discouraged  and came up to square door, again he looked in to see the people running around having fun, these people were very smart but also well spoken. The star thought he could fit in because he did well in school but he could not. Even though he was intelligent he didn't have the social skills to fit through the door.  Alone and depressed he sat on a hill and pondered. What was he to do? Would he fit in anywhere?  He went to another place and there was a rectangular door. He looked inside and thought, maybe I can fit in there, for all the people were creative and people had told him he was creative but he did not believe it but either way he could not fit through that door.  Again he walked on, all alone, wondering if he would ever fit in with the other shapes.  He tried shape door after shape door, a diamond, but they were to beautiful, a moon but they were too sleepy, and a heart but they were too emotional, He did not fit anywhere. The star sat there ready to give up, he looked at the cliff  that was at the end of the road and thought of jumping off the cliff  into the ocean below, but than to his surprise another star appeared.   He started talking to the star and the star showed him around and showed him how he could get into the different holes. He gave him a magic position that switched him between shapes depending on what hole he wanted to go into.  The star was thrilled and thought he found the answer. 

This potion needed more and more  to be able to turn him in the shapes. It was fun for a while but in the end  he gave up in despair. All this pretending wasn't making him happy.  After all he knew he did not fit and after each time he spent going through another shapes door he was exhausted and had to sleep for hours. 

Alone and in despair  about to give up, he called up the sky and said "help me  I do not belong I want to belong."  A voice from the sky said, " You do belong, you are unique, and you are special, you do not need to work so hard to try to fit into those  holes." Confused and dazed he shouted, " But I don't belong, I want to belong."  The voice from the sky said, " You do belong, I created you the way you are, and I created you special because I had a special plan for you."  The star replied, " But what can I do I can not fit anywhere? I am all alone!" The voice cried out, " You don't need to fit into what the other shapes want you  to do, you can create your own hole." " How do I do ?," the star replied. The voice above said , "Ask me to help you!"   The star cried out " Help me, I want to be able to  fit in." Again the voice said, " You do not need to fit in you are your own unique shape."  The star replied can you help me make a star shaped hole." The voice replied, " Yes I can but you need to put the work into it." The square said, " I will do anything." " Good" said the voice.  Together they started  grinding through a wall , slowly but surely  the door started to look like a star. After hours of hard work it was done.  The star looked in through the door and said "but there is nothing in it. " The voice replied, " You  can make it whatever you want it to be. "  So  the star went inside and to his surprise  he felt at home and was able to communicate with the other shapes that were around him.  He realized that he did not need to change his shape in order to fit in but he need to create his own hole. Once he knew who he was he was able to interact with all of the shapes, and they looked up to him as they too wanted to be unique and to fit in.  

He realized he was not alone and although he felt like a misfit there were lots of other shapes that did not fit in as well, they had tried and failed. But here after going through the door into the land of misfit shapes. He realized he belonged and he could make his own destiny.  He looked up at the sky and thanked the voice above, and his gratitude shone out like the stars in the sky.   He was finally at home, not because he fit in with the other shapes but because he loved himself for who he was a star, and nothing could take that away.  Others flocked to join him and they start a parade of misfits  travelling across the land jumping and singing and shouting their message that everyone no matter who you are, whether you are a square, rectangle, circle,heart, diamond, moon, or triangle  you could all get alone and you belong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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