Statement 1

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A word often used to bring someone down because their looks do not appeal to society's standards of "pretty".

Those who use this word in the sense of someone not being compatible to society unrealistic standards of what pretty is actually is the ugly one. I'm not saying that they physically are not beautiful but that they're mentally an ugly person. Shutting someone down just because they're not physically compatible to the unrealistic standards we are given to compare one another to is not a way we should treat one another.

I may or may not be incorrect but to treat someone as if they are not physically beautiful and claiming that they are ugly is unrealistic. We see each other from different views, maybe you notice their flaws, but others may notice the beauty you don't notice.

It's extremely unfair to put them through the pain of making them have cause to believe they are not beautiful just because you stated they are ugly.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, you may not see it but they are.

Whether it's their eyes, their hair, their smile, cheek bones, eyebrows, make up skills, outfit choices or anything relevant to them it still makes them beautiful.

Don't shut someone down by labeling them with ugly just because you are not kind enough to witness and state the beautiful things they have to offer this wicked society.

We all contribute to the society and with you claiming someone is ugly is contributing unkindness to another beautiful person giving them cause to believe that they aren't pretty enough to fit these unrealistic standards society has to offer us. We are foolish enough to think that the society we are apart of and the standards given are what we should abide by.

I admit I am guilty of claiming someone is ugly. It's because i never took the time out of my day to realize the beautiful things they have to offer.
Think about the good before you speak about the bad.

You may think this simple small statement won't effect them in any way possible but some people take this more in depth then you believe.

Take time out of your day to witness and state the beautiful things everyone around you has to offer.

A small you look pretty or i like your (clothing item or something) can easily change someone's life.
4/6/17 1:09am

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