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Raven Catalina Jones awoke from a restless slumber as the yelling of her fellow crewmembers jammed itself into her mind. "Join us, you lazy, seacow! This is what we get for having a woman on board!" One of the men exclaimed. Raven grumbled and shot back a groggy, "Keep your pants on, you snot-mouthed yellow belly!" She pulled on her clothes. Deep red lace up tunic, black belt, black leggings, and brown boots. She finger combed her long white blond locks and blinked her large brown eyes a couple of times to rid the sleepiness from her system. " Deep breath, grab your sword, back straight." She told herself and then sauntered sassily onto the deck. "Ah, lovely for you to join us, your majesty. Would you like to actually help us common folk?" A sailor sneered. "Like you would know what hard work is, Kato!" She shot back, busying herself with the ropes. "Don't test me, girly. Do you really want to pick a fight with a pirate, lass?" Kato growled, hand inching towards his sword. Raven just laughed. "I think you are forgetting something." She said with glee. Then, quicker than a flash, she pulled Kato's knife from his belt and held it against his throat, malice glinting in her eyes. "I am a pirate myself and better in my eighteen years than you will ever be in your life." She said, calm and collected but with an edge in her voice. She pushed a little harder but before anything could happen, a gloved hand grabbed the knife away from her. Raven spun around, and stared into the eyes of the captain. " Raven, shouldn't you be working on the ship instead of picking fights with men?" He said. "Killian, my love, I was just showing him that he shouldn't mess with me, brother dear!" She replied sweetly. Her brother looked at her wearily, than behind her with a worried expression. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Storm's a coming." He said, his voice dark. She looked behind her at large black thunder clouds, quickly approaching. "Step lively, men. Batten down the hatches, pull the stays, get her ready for storms, you mangy dogs!" Killian roared. "Raven, get below deck." Killian ordered as heavy rain began to fall. "No, I want to help!" She said as she scrambled up the rigging like a monkey, to her brothers horror. "Raven, no!" He shouted into the wind. "I'll be fine!" She called down as the first huge wave hit the boat. The boat shuddered, and leaned over, almost touching the water with its sails. A loud clap of thunder sounded, scaring Raven, and causing her to slip off the rigging. She heard her brother scream her name as she fell. She hit the water with a smack and everything went black.

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