Life sucks

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Has anyone ever given you that look that says " something is wrong with you."? If you have you know that it isn't a good feeling. to those of you who have not, you are the lucky ones. you have mastered the skill of deception and that is something I have a yet to achieve. This is my crazy, high off prescribed drugs story.

I have never been "normal" or any variation of it. You have to understand that "ordinary" is not really a part of my vocabulary. (That kind of rhymes) From the time I was taking my first steps you could describe me as "pleasantly crazy" or scary smart.

I have never really fit in anywhere because of this. I have been bullied by my peers and looked down my the adults in my life just because I was smart and really strange and not afraid to flaunt it. Though in recent years I have had to rein in my crazy so now it only comes out in little spurts. Some people have spurts of energy, I have spurts of crazy.

So on to the story!!!

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