*it was a normal night... Maybe normal because something strange happened*
*Ash & others are sleeping as it is night time*
Pikachu: zzz... zzz...
*Pikachu & other Pokemon get a dream where everyone are lost*
Pikachu: ...Hm? What's this world? Am I seeing dream? Where are others?
Sceptile: ...? Where am I? *Starts looking* Hm... This is not the real world...
Torkoal: ...??? Uh? Where am I??? ...Did Ash released me!?! *Starts crying* Ash! Why you did this!?! *Stops crying* Ok, I don't think Ash will do it. Am I stuck in another world & can't return!?! *Starts crying* NOOOOO!?!
Snorunt: Huh? Where am I? Wait, was that cry of Torkoal? ... Oh well, where am I? Hm... This is different world...
Aipom: ...um? Where am I? Where are Ash & others? Did he teleport me here? Nah, I am stuck somewhere else maybe. Or well it's my play area! ... Ok, enough joke. *Starts looking*
Donphan: ? Where am I? This place is different? Is it team rocket? I don't think so... Oh well, I must start looking. *Rolls & starts looking*
*All Pokemon search here & there*
Pikachu: Phew! I am tired! It's so big!Sceptile: Huh, what's this place? Sometimes land, then grass, then Forest!
Donphan: Phew! I am tired rolling! Where are others!?! Plus I can't see a thing in this fog! I can see only Rocky ground!
Aipom: Ok, it's not a fun-area. I must search fast. These frozen tree branches are making difficult for me to climb! They break so easily!
Torkoal: *cries loudly* WHERE AM I!?! ASH! HELP ME!!!
Snorunt: ? Was that Torkoal again? Maybe he's near. Oof! It's so hot here!
Torkoal: *still crying* I must do something! *Uses flamethrower everywhere*Snorunt: Ha! That fire! *Dodges* There's someone! *Goes there*
Torkoal: PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!! *Keeps attacking*
Snorunt: Woah! This is making a barrier! *Uses ice beam* This will give time! *Starts running*
Torkoal: Huh? My attack was freezed... There's someone! Yeah! *Starts crying & goes there*
*As both were running, they didn't saw & dashed each other*
Snorunt: Ow... Huh? Torkoal!
Torkoal: Huh? SNORUNT!!! *Hugs* BRO! YOU ARE HERE!!! I WAS WORRIED I AM ALONE!!! *starts crying* THANK YOU!!!
FantasyThis is my first story so I hope u all enjoy! It it 2 worlds are switched out, what will happen next?!