Steven and Connie were 14 and 13 the same age as Harry Potter in his third year. He had just been accepted into Hogsmeade from Dumbledore and Connie and the Crystal Temps Lapis and Peridot warped to Hogsmeade with the Crystal Gems and what do they see , Harry Potter the boy who lived!!!! The Crystal Gems came there to look for a gem artifact. Garnet walked by the boy who lived and pushed him down. "Hey" said Ron, you just pushed the boy who lived. "Oh really the boy who lived. Well I'm the Gem who gives literally zero fucks"said Garnet. "You're human said Garnet one day the boy who lived will be dead as shit". So you're the Crystal Gems said Hermione my Former Defense against the dark arts teacher told me about you. "No time to socialize Gems let's go"said Garnet after that three fusions appeared Alexandrite, Stevonnie and Lapidot. (No offense Amedot supporters) After a few minutes the fusions found the artifact and defused. Expelliarmus said Harry Potter. At the hands of that spell the artifact flew out of Garnet's hand and into Hermione's . "That's what you get for pushing the boy who lived"said Ron. The Gems had no time to play around. Crystal Gems attack yelled Garnet. Pearl and Connie fought with Hermione because of them both being smart. Steven and Garnet and Lapis went to Harry because of them all being very strong and Peridot went to fight Ron. Because of Peridot's metal Powers she was able to fight of Ron with a new metal sword. Ron and the HP crew were no match for the Crystal Gems and the Gems got the artifact back and went back to the temple. Go Crystal Gems!