The Forgotten love

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this is story of girl and boy being best friends and has some feeling for each other until the girl lost her memory. will the boy be able to bring back the love of his life?

chapeter one : The Last Memory

a little 7 year old girl named 'Leina' was sitting on a tree branch drawing on a paper. Leina lost her father after a war happened to their place, forcing Leina and her mother 'Desylva' move to a forest in a old wooden cottage near a town called "Sayamin City" (pronounced as Say-ya-mean.) . Leina was drawing on her sketch pad that her mother onced given to her in order to make her happy after she lost her father but nothing happened. while drawing, she saw a boy to her age from above being picked on by a group of bullies.

Leina threw some acorns at the bullies, causing them to flee. The boy looked up and smiled at his savior as he climb on the tree in order to reach her.

"Hi, thanks for saving me earlier" said the boy. Leina just waved "My name is Jeffrey" he said as he held out his hand "My name is Leina" she said as she takes his hand.

Leina and Jeffrey became the best of friends after that day. until ...

while sunset, before they where about to head home, Leina said "Jeffrey what if one day we wont see each other anymore? what if this was our last day together?" Jeffrey looked at Leina and said "i wont let that happen to us, no matter what happens to you & me, even if we go on seperate ways, i will never forget you Leina" Leina looked up and smiled, Jeffrey extended his pinky and said "pinky promise me that we will still be best friends...?" Leina intertwined her pinky with his and replied "...even if we die" as they go on seperate ways to their own houses.

in the night . while Leina was walking down into the forest she cant see very well in the dark until some dust hit her eye causing her to close it, not looking what ever is in her way , she fell down a hill and hit her head causing her to black out

that was the last thing she remembered

~8 years later~

Jeffrey went to Milakium school (pronounced as Me-lake-key-um). everyday he always wondered about the sudden dissapearance of his dearest friend 'Leina' ........ today he was going to meet up with his friends before the start of school ... 
his friends were: Jaime (boy), Isabella (girl), Rainer (boy), steven (boy), Gabryle (boy), Raven (girl).
~somewhere else~
after the accident , Leina had a amneisia, making her forget most of her memories, only thing left was her seeing a boy with a face she cant see well. now she obtained more friends which are :
Alivia (girl) , nicolas (boy) , Blaire (girl), Jonitha (girl)

~somewhere with jeffrey~
"Hey jeffrey ?! earth to jeffrey?" Gabryle said while snapping his fingers reapetedly at his face "Huh? what ?" said jeffrey "we're going to school remember?" said Rainer "oh yeah" said jeffrey as he walk towards two doors that leads into their school. until at the corner of his eye, he finally saw her .........

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