0.0 : A Little Too Late...

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As he cradled her cold body in his arms, Videl let out a loud ear splitting roar like scream as his irises drained from their dark yellow demonic tint to charcoal black. His body was slumped completely as a thick chill ran up his spine. He could literally feel his heart, or what he'd like to think was his heart, trying to tear itself apart.

His whole life was dedicated to protecting her.

Throughout the years his job was to make sure she was safe, no matter what.

And he failed.

One split second was all it took for him to lose everything he lived for.

"Come on, wake up!" He growled angrily before biting his wrist to draw blood and violently forced his wrist into her mouth.

She couldn't be dead, she just couldn't be...

"Wake up damn it!"

Videl began to rock back and forth with her body still clutched in his hands, his wrist still attached to her cold; soft lips.

"Akasha I'm not fucking around, wake up!"

The sweet stench of her blood flooded his nostrils and made the dark blue veins underneath his dark eyes pulsate at an incredibly fast pace.

Videl had never shed a tear a day in his tragic life but that didn't stop the steady waterfall of tears that ran down his face.

There was no way in hell the greatest thing that ever happened to him was snatched away from him.

He not only broke his promise to her but to himself.

I'll never let anything happen to you.

His own words echoed and bounced around in his skull as he watched the blood escape from his wrist, trickle down her lips and down the side of her face before it hit the cold hard concrete.

His nostrils flared as his irises started to bleed, turning them completely red.

Videl scooped her body up in his arms and stalked out the now abandoned building with fire in his eyes.

He refused to let her go, not without a fight.

And he didn't care who had to die in order to bring her back.

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