Half way

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Haven't you ever wondered, where you go after you die. Everybody says you go to heaven or he'll, but is that really true?

I walk inside, it's old and smells weird. I have to say I'm wasn't that excited, that we moved. Now seeing this dump doesn't make me any happier. I grabbed a bag and headed upstairs, thats where my room was. There was so many rooms, I walked to the end of the hallway, opened the door and took a step inside. It looked like a normal room, or I should say a normal old room. This house was really old.

I don't understand why my parents bought it, I guess it was because it was the cheapest. It was only cheap because the people before us had died. My parents didn't mind either did I. It was kinda freaky to think about, not like anything is going to happen me. Oh so I thought.

I finished unpacking, or at least for now. I went down stairs for dinner. My parents hadn't gotten all her kitchen utensils yet, so we ordered pizza. Nothing special.

After dinner I went back up to my room. It was getting late so I decided to go to bed.

* * *

It was my first day of school, I was going into the 8th grade. I didn't want to go. I hated school normally but a new school sounded horrible! My mom drove me. I walked out of the car, everybody was in their "group" I wasn't feeling any better about starting school here. The bell rang and everybody started rushing inside. I headed to the office to get my schedule.

My first period was English with Mr. Jones. The principle walked me down the hall. He opened the door my heart just stopped, all I was thinking is, I want to go home. He said "Mr. Jones, we have a new student."Mr. Jones looked down at me and said "hello my name is Mr. Jones, I'm very excited your joining my class." Then I said "Hi my name is Ashley." Mr. Jones showed me to my seat. I sat in the back.

Everybody kept on staring at me, but nobody said anything. You could tell who was in each "group" and why. I looked around and it didn't look like I belonged in any group.

History was my second period, then I had math, then lunch, then gym, then after gym I had science, and my last period was French, I have been taking French for four years.

I went to history and math. Talk about boring. It was time for lunch, I didn't know where or who I was going to sit by. Each group had there own table. There were the jocks, the preppy rich girls, the cheerleaders, the goths, the geeks, and so many more.

I sat by myself, I felt left out. But hey what can I say I'm new. Nobody has really talked to me, maybe someone will talk to me in gym or French. All I wanted was a friend, so I didn't feel so alone.

After lunch I had gym. I got dressed and headed out. We were playing soccer. I wasn't horrible at soccer but wasn't the best either. There was two team captions, this time it was Ethan and Maddy. They picked, and picked and picked. Nobody called on me. I was the last one to be picked. I kept on falling and tripping over the ball. Gym wasn't my favorite class.

I finished French, and still without a friend. My mom picked me up. She asked about my day. I said "it was ok." Even though I was lying. It was horrible. She asked "did you make any new friends?" I said "no, nobody talked to me." It was all quiet after that.

When I got home, I went upstairs and worked on my math homework. I didn't really understand it. My dad was making dinner, although I wasn't really hungry. We were having red pepper Mac and cheese. It was one of my favorites. I was excited to have it though. I had to write a all about paper for English.

"My name is Ashley Jewel. I lived in New York for 13 years. I'm 14 years old. I don't have any siblings or pets." That's not that long buts that all I can think of.

I didn't eat. I just decided to go to sleep. I laid there, I couldn't fall asleep.

"Ring.. Ring.. Ring.." I reached my hand over to stop my alarm. I knew it was time for school. Yuck I thought. I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth.

I walked down the stairs my mom was sitting at the dinning room table. She asked if I wanted anything to eat? I said "um sure a muffin and some juice please." She handed me a muffin and a cup of orange juice. We walked out the door and headed for school.

We drove up. I walked out of the car and headed to my locker. I grabbed my history book and head to class. I sat down and waited dot the bell to ring. A girl started walking up to me, she said "hi" I said "hi" she said "my name is miller, miller white." I said "hi miller I'm Ashley" she said "yeah, your new right?" I said "yeah"

The bell rang, miller headed to her seat. She sat two seats in front of me. She was different then everybody else, she was pale, with grey eyes and dark black hair.

Mr. Jones started class. We were doing a partner worksheet, Miller asked to be mine I said yes. The woke sheet was about south India. We finished the work sheet. A couple minutes later the bell rang. I started to walk to math. Math was boring as usual.

Today went fast, it was already time for lunch. Today I didn't have to sit alone. I sat by miller. She didn't really have many friends either. We ate are lunch, and talked and talked. I started to like school. I finally had a friend.

I asked miller if she wanted to come over after school. She said "yes I would love to." I said "great!"

After school, me and Miller walked to my mom's car. We got inside. Introduced Miller to my mom. She said "hi I'm Ashley's mom." Miller said "hi I'm miller." We drove to my house.

When we got there Miller and I went up to my room. Miller really liked my house, she kept on asking question about it. Miller ended up staying the night. We watched scary movies and hung out. We stated to get tired around 12:00. We both went to sleep

* * *

Miller and I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I guess my mom was making breakfast. I asked Miller if she had fun. She said "yes, thanks for having me over." The only thing I realized was Miller hasn't ate since shes gotten her. When we had dinner she said she didn't feel good. When I offered her a snack she said no. Something was up with her.

We walked down stairs, getting ready to eat, she said she had to go. She walked out the door and left.

It's been awhile since I talked to her. I went to school on Monday, she wasn't there. That day I told my mom. She didn't know what to say to me, I could tell by the expression on her face. After I finished my homework I started wondering around. There was a side door next to the kitchen, I've never noticed it before. There was a staircase leading down to a room. I think it's a basement. I walked down and it was dark. I looked for a light switch but couldn't find one. I finally found one behind the stair case. When I looked up there was Miller, and me. I was really confused why was I there.

I was laying on the ground, I think i was dead. I asked Miller what was going on. She said "your dead, I killed you." I said "no I'm not!" She explained to me what happened. She didn't mean to kill me but she did. I asked her how I was still here, she said we'll when you died you can still talk and see others but only for a short amount of time. You have to kill someone to be able to to leave. We talked some more and more.

I went upstairs and laid down in my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about how I was dead. I kept hearing Millers voice, telling me her story.

She was murdered in this house, by this guy. She could still talk to other people, but it only lasted like that for a little while. She said you had to kill someone to stay like that forever. So your dead but know one really knows. You don't go to heaven or hell in this house. If you die or are killed in this house you go to Halfway. It's a world for dead people that died in this house. So I needed to kill someone to stay in Half Way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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