The Begginig

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*Alarm Clock rings* " Ahh, Why is it time to get up I will now set my alarm clock to nine o'clock instead of eight,it is so annoying."She gets up and makes herself some pancakes. "Ahh, these pancakes tasted so nice,probably cause I made them ."

She gets up and gets dressed "Wow , I have never looked so better than this."! She puts on a scarf and some boots looked outside the window and it was really sunny and then she sang " for the first time in forever "cause it literally was for the first time in forever .So she took off her boots and her scarf took off her best winter clothes and put on her best summer outfit which she never wore before.

It looked amazing it was this amazing white sparkling tights with and perfectly neat and tidy black dress with a sunflower belt . She did her hair in two buns  with sunflower clips . She loved  sunflowers it was the best part of her life. If you seen her bedroom you would know what I am talking about it is fabulous.

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