That one day..

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     One on gloomy, and parched time of the day, I as a captured outcast observing the tents with the civilians and slaves being tortured to death to do things they couldn’t do. As the guards on my side nudge me to look onward. When the guards of the gate slowly open the gate, all I hear is silence. Then when I glanced to my sides I noticed everyone was looking at me, just standing there like a frozen person just ‘there’. As I look forward again before they caught me looking. Then a slight push of the guards arm brought me down out coming to be kneeling to the king. As his eyes were sighted on my skill, and he told me “We need to make a deal” AND I WAS LIKE “NOO!” THEN I KILLED EVERYONE!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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