Chapter One-Bet

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Your Pov

I was standing in a classroom, with six identical boys surrounding me.

"So, who do you choose?" They all asked in unison, hopeful expressions painted across their faces.

"I choose.."

Suddenly, the loud, annoying sound of my alarm clock jarred me awake, my dream vanishing.

"Oh yeah.. I have school today.." I sighed, reluctantly getting out of my warm, fluffy bed.

I shuffled like a zombie to the kitchen, grabbing my favorite cereal. My mom was cooking something on the stove, and my father was taking a nap on his favorite chair.

"Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?" My mother asked, her attention still on the food she was preparing.

"Yeah.." I trailed off, thinking about my strange dream. "Who were the people in my dream..?" I thought, puzzled.

Ah, a dream is a dream I concluded, continuing to munch on my cereal.

"Are you excited about your first day of high school?" Mom asked.

"Yes. I'm also nervous," I admitted. I had heard of all the drama and fights that high school contained.

"You'll be fine, honey! I'm sure you'll make lots of friends!" My mother replied optimistically. "You should be getting ready, dear."

"Right!" I exclaimed, rushing to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth, and put on my school uniform, a simple white shirt with a
(f/c) tie, and a skirt. I quickly told my parents goodbye and bolted out the door.

As I neared the train station, I stumbled upon a rather strange sight. Six boys, who looked a year older than me, were fighting and yelling.

Wait a minute.. they look like the guys from my dream..! I thought. Maybe it's just a coincidence..?

I decided to sit away from them, since they were causing such a ruckus.
I tensed up when I noticed them all walking towards me.

"Excuse me miss, but can we sit with you? You're really cute!" One of them asked, rubbing his nose.

"Osomatsu!" Another brother yelled angrily, sporting a green hoodie. "Don't say things like that to a person you don't know!"

"Uh.. it's fine.." I replied, scooting over to make room.

"I get to sit beside her!" Osomatsu declared.

"Oh no you don't," a brother sporting a purple hoodie and a bored expression retorted. He immediately sat down beside me. His brothers looked extremely angry..

The remaining brothers sat down, all giving me           curious looks.

"So, what's your name, cutie? I'm Osomatsu!" The one wearing red asked me, rubbing his nose.

"U-um, I'm (y/n).." I replied, blushing.

"A perfect name for my Karamatsu Girl~," the one I assumed was Karamatsu Said in his deep voice.

"Shut up you painful idiot.." the brother sitting beside me uttered. "I'm Ichimatsu.."

"Nice to meet you.." I replied.

The rest of them introduced themselves, Choromatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu.

"Hey," Osomatsu suddenly said out of the blue. "Let's make a bet," he told his brothers. They huddled up out of my hearing range and whispered something.

"It's settled then," Choromatsu murmured while looking at me, his face red.

At that moment, the train had arrived. We all got on and sat with each other.

I wonder.. what bet they made

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