The GameMaker

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The Games. The annual guilt job. Every year I sit in that room, watching children die because of me. Me. The days leading up to the games are the worst. They are the days I think, the days I wonder if I could change this awful world we live in. I didnt choose this life, I didnt choose to be a gamemaker. Snow did. Our pain, the people's pain, it all gives him joy. The tyrant chooses the most innocent and peaceful capitol dwellers to run the games. Ironically, he does it reaping style. Our guilt ridden expressions when a child dies fuel his evil ways. I couldnt let him win again. This year was going to be different. I, Malia Heavensbee was going to change the games forever. With a plan slowly forming in my head, I got ready for the Meeting. The head gamemaker this year was Grolin Hinks, a ruthless, heartless man with a face uglier than an infected trackerjacker sting. Even his bright orange skin stain couldnt draw attention away from his mangled nose. Once everyone was seated at the meeting, Grolin called out; "Whos ready to ruin some lives?" with a big smile. The harsher of the group cheered in agreement, but mostly to get on the ugly devil's good side. He then began blathering on about the importance of no mistakes, and an entertaining games. I zoned out, wondering how I was going to put my plan in motion, or what my plan even was really. "MALIA!" Grolin shouted. I jumped in shock. He was angry. "Would you care to tell me what is distracting you from this oh so crucial meeting?" "I..I.." Stuttering, I made a meager excuse for my lack of attention. "Just thinking about how fun it will be to watch children fight to the death" grimacing as I said it. He seemed to buy it though. "Now," he continued, "the tributes will make alliances, so we have to sublty break them up as soon as they form, it'll give a more dramatic feel to these games." Allies. Perfect. If I could get the tributes to refuse killing each other, then I could ignite a revolution. First I approached my friend Ennifav, she was always ranting on about the cruelty in this world, and how much she hated it. She was on board right away. Adrenaline pumped through my veins, this was really happening, I was going to start a rebellion. Ennifav and I recruited 3 more members that day, and we were feeling pretty solid. When I went home that night, our avox, Amenila, had already put my 6 year old son Plutarch to bed. Wow it had been a long day. I told Amenila about the rebellion, she was mute, obviously, but the glint of mischeif in her eyes told me she was in agreement. The day had come, we were planning out the arena. Ennifav and I sat side by side, ready to initiate the gamechanger. She etched small letters into some of the trees we placed in, typing "remember who the real enemy is." I rigged the cornacopia to produce only food when the games began, food fights werent going to kill anybody. The other members of our team safegaurded the arena from trackerjackers and other natural dangers. There were some setbacks, on part of those not in on the plan, but in the end, we successfully rigged the arena on our behalf. If everything went as planned, nobody would die. A week later, the games began. When the landmines deactivated, several tributes ran for the woods. Others went for the cornacopia, but instead of weapons, they found only fruits and sandwiches. Grolin was furious. He tried resetting the cornacopia but to no avail. "When I find who did this," he exclaimed, his orange skin growing hotter by the second, "I will throw you into next tuesday before you can say Hunger Games!" Immediately after the outburst, Grolin sat down in defeat, knowing that the imperfection would cost him greatly. I tried acting casual from then on, running everything smoothly, and almost couldnt hold back my gasp of relief when my shift was dismissed. When I got home panic struck me. If they found out, I was dead. Worried out of my mind I ran to find Plutarch. He was in his room, playing "Hunger Games" with his action figures. I hugged him tight, knowing this might be the last time I ever saw him. "What's wrong mommy?" he asked. I didnt know what to say, I had to tell him the truth. "Mommy might not be coming back home tomorrow." I said. He looked confused. "I did a bad thing, well a good thing, but it might get me in trouble." I tried saying it calmly, but my voice began to crack. All of a sudden there was a loud bang on the front door. They knew. I rushed to say my goodbyes. "Plutarch, Mommy will always love you no matter what." I then went on to tell him about the rebellion, but the peacekeepers were in the house. "Before I go, promise me you will never succumb to the evil ways of the capitol, and always keep fighting." He looked at me with his big intelligent eyes, which were welling up with tears. "I love you Mommy, I will never let Snow control me." I gave him one last hug and went on to face my fate. I hadnt succeeded in ending the games, but I knew somehow, that my little Plutarch would do it. I stood tall as the peacekeeper pointed the gun. I hadnt fixed the world, but I had started something. I had started a fire. (BANG)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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