Bee Sting {Eridan x Sollux}

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FLUFF-O-METER: -- (0/10 )

SADSTUCK-O-METER: φφφφφφφφ (8/10 φ)


Lilac tears slipped passed heavy eyes, violet irises dulled with overexposure to anguish and self-pity. Too many times he'd sat and watched the world go on without him. Too long had he sat, staring at his computer screen with empty eyes and a heavy blood-pusher. Message upon message dinged up on the open windows of Trollian, and he watched them go by without a second thought. It had been one too many times that he'd been called "fii2hdiick" or "bulge for braiin2". He didn't understand, couldn't grasp quite why the one he had so desperately fallen for over time.... was being so hateful. Yes, they were kismesis, but this wasn't even blackrom flirtation.

TA: you know what

TA: fuck iit

TA: ii'm comiing over

-- twinArmageddons [TA] ceased trolling caligulasAquarium [CA] --

Eridan took a deep breath, slowly raising his head from where it had been nestled in his arms, which were crossed on the desk. He looked down, fins resting calmly in a downward position. He moved and opened a memo.

CA: it wwas good playin wwith you guys

CA: see ya later

CA: i guess

He left it open, his joints feeling like they were rusted as he moved away from his husktop and stood up. His movements were sluggish and he felt dizzy, stumbling as he finally managed to get on his own two feet. Swallowing, he stood and waited for his expected visitor. There was never any knock, just a long moment of silence before quick footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. The seadweller watched, unblinking as the Captor came into the room. Psionics sparked around his hands and eyes, a grim expression resting on his face.

"You," he hissed with an accusing glare, "How dare you!"

"Howw dare I wwhat?" His voice came hollow and empty. He truly didn't have anymore reason to try anymore, what with everyone spitting out insults and looking down on him like he was a lowly pile of shit.

This only deemed to fuel the Gemini more as red and blue buzzed around the violetblood's form before slamming the Ampora up against the wall. "How dare you do that to KK!"

Eridan grit his teeth as he made impact. KK? Wait a minute. What had he done to Sollux's matesprit? This brought him back to his senses a little, the seadweller giving a sudden curious look. "Wwait a sec, wwhat did I do?"

"Fucker!" Sol shouted, fist coming across the other's face. "You know what you did!"

Eri gasped and cringed at the pain he was brought, eyes widening a little as he tried to move his hands to defend himself only to find them pinned to the wall by the psionics. Said power crackled around Sollux's eyes like fire, and it was clear as day that he wasn't playing around. "No I don't, Sol! Tell me wwhat this is about!"

The yellowblood's hands were around his throat in a second, squeezing down hard as Eridan choked for a moment before seeming unaffected by it. "You fucking raped him, Eridan!" That's how someone knew when Sollux was serious: when he started using full names. "You fucking lowlife piethe of thhit!"

"Wwhat?!" Eridan returned to himself with full force, taken off guard as his fins flared defensively. "Wwhen did I do that??" His breathing honestly wasn't affected by the hold Sol had taken on his throat, his gills taking in all the air he needed.

"Don't act like you don't know!" The Gemini noticed he wasn't doing any damage and yanked up Eridan's shirt. "I thaw the video proof, you incompetent grubfucker!"

The seadweller's gills fluttered as they were revealed, and he tried to squirm before anything dangerous happened. "I didn't fuckin' touch your precious matespr- AH!" His words were cut off by a yowl of pain, the violetblood tensing up and eyes widening as Sollux's claws dug deep into his gills. He was frozen, only his torso clenching and trembling as he became strangled and choked. His body desperately tried for air, but every move his gills made only allowed the Gemini to dig deeper.

Eridan screamed out as the Captor ripped a few, the sensitive objects spilling violet blood down his side in large amounts, streaking down and over the stitches that practically held his body together. Sollux noticed them, but decided to leave them be. Every twitch, every move the other attempted to make made his body become filled with torturous pain like being burned alive and then laying in acid. "Sol!" he screeched as the claws were raked downward, tearing through his gill and practically opening his side up to see the partly scraped up ribs beneath them.

Tears came pouring out of Eri's eyes as he grit his teeth and sobbed loudly, the pain excrutiating until his side slowly started becoming numb. Violet soaked through the side of his striped pants, continuing to leak and spread wherever it pleased.

"You aththhole!" Sollux's psionics ripped and torn at Eri's fins, tugging and pulling at his horns ruthlessly. "No one. Fuckth. With my. KK!" He bashed the seadweller's head back into the wall, receiving a cracked squeal of pain. The tears that ran down the other's face only fueled his anger further. "Thtop crying!"

Eridan, however, couldn't comply. Not with the amount of pain coarsing through his body with every tug and rip. The Gemini's gaze snapped down, removing his bloodied claws from the ripped gills before running his fingers over those dark jade-colored stitches. Kanaya. She had been the one to stitch him up,  hadn't she? Even after running the bastard through? She should have left him in pieces.

"Sol, please!" the seadweller sobbed before jerking with a loud, strangled cry that nearly had his eyes bulging out of his head.

Sollux had plunged his fingers deep into the scar that had been healed for a while due to the stitches, more violet life fluid gushing out of the reopened wound.

"FUCK!" Eridan choked out, screaming and sobbing as he color began to drain from his face. "Sol!" He continued to beg before shrieking as the yellowblood plunged his other hand in, beginning to actually separate the other's torso and legs.

A sharp, twisted grin etched along Sol's face, eyes wide as he chuckled lowly. "You don't methth with my KK! You don't METHTH with my KK! You don't methth with my KK!" he chanted, voice becoming more exaggerated and stressed and loud as he went until it was ringing around the room, bouncing off the walls and filling the seadweller's ears.

Eridan trembled with new found fear, whimpering and crying out more, though this time with a bit of a gurgle behind it as a sickening RRIIPP split through the air. Paralyzed, the seadweller stared out at the ceiling, unmoving and unfeeling with only the look of pure horror set upon his face. A THUD followed along with a deep SPLASH as the floor before Sol's feet was drenched in dark violet, the liquid pooling and seeping across the floor and around his mismatched shoes. A low chuckle emitted from the pissblood's lips and his shoulders started to shake as he found his clothes splattered with blood.

A horrifying laugh burst from the thin-framed boy as he reached out and grabbed a hold of the first thing he could; it was warm and squished nicely in his grip, and he pulled out the long instestine before draping it around Eridan's neck just like his scarf was set. "What'th a matter, fithhdick??" he hummed, grin still splattered across his features as he cupped the soft face of the the now only-torso-Eridan that he still held against the wall via psionics. "Get a little choked up?" He cackled lowly as the last few tears seeped down Eri's face and dripped from his chin.

The Captor patted the corpse's cheek before backing away, shoving his dirty hands into his pockets and finally releasing what was left of Eridan. A dull THUD sounded again as the torso hit the floor, shirt soaking up a little of the violet puddle beneath it. "Do uth all a favor," Sollux hummed as he went towards the door. "And don't leave tho much of a methth next time."

Bee Sting {Eridan x Sollux}Where stories live. Discover now