Chapter 1 - Dylan

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POV.  Dylan Miller

It's only been three days since my birthday, that means that I'm 17, and that it's January. I don't understand why, but the weather here is ridiculous, I'm sweating to death from the steaming florida air. My hair is plastered to my forehead, it's telling me it's summer even though I know thats not true. I wiped my head on my sleeve and my hands on my shorts, then it's back to '10 and 2' on the wheel. Even with the air conditioning on full blast I'm still drowning in the heat, causing me to doze off.

"BEEEEEEP," the sound of a horn brings me back into the real world. The blinding green light signals my foot off the brake and to the gas peddle. As I turn into my neighborhood, the light of the sun rising follows in my wake. I slip into the house after enclosing my mom's car in the garage. My first mistake.. taking her car without asking, second, not being stealthy. My mom marches down the stairs to greet me.

"So, Dylan, how was the car ride?" she said it with such a sarcastic tone, yet I knew she was very upset with me.

"Hey, Mom. I took your car because I couldn't sleep, and I needed to see Lily, it was midnight and I didn't want to wake you, and I just..." I trailed off. My mom nodded, her eyes full of sadness and anger. I apologized once more then went to shower and get ready for the rest of the day. Once I was cleaned up I decided to hop on my bike and ride over to Sarah's house.

When I arrived I propped my bike along the side of the house and scaled the tree next to her window. I tapped, she glanced over and slid the window up allowing enough room for me to climb in. Her smile grew, and it was so beautiful all I could do was stare at her. We sat on her bed and began talking.

" I don't know when my parents are going to ease up on me and unground me. I hope soon because it's getting hard to sneak you in here without them finding out," her smile faded as she spoke. "I can't bare not seeing you."

"Yeah, I hope so too, but no matter how hard it is for me to keep sneaking up here undetected by them, I'll keep coming," I tried my hardest to bring her smile back but this just made her lower her head more and whisper.

"I know you'll keep coming but I want to do things, go places, show the world that I've got you as my boyfriend," She whimpered. She glided her fingers through my short dark hair, and I ran my fingers through her loose curls, then tangled her fingers in mine. We sat there for a few minutes, hand in hand. I use my empty hand to reach to her face an pull it closer to mine as I lean in, her soft lips press against mine. Sarah was sweet, she tasted like joy, and all I could think about is how lucky I am. I lifted her off the bed onto her toes, still pressing against her lips. My hand rested on her back, I trickled my fingers down her spine and once again pulled her closer.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" footsteps climbing the stairs, this immediately signaled a silent escape for me. I let go of Sarah and jumped from the window mere seconds before the door to her bedroom opened. My arms flew around me searching for something to grab hold of. Finally my fingers brushed a branch and hooked on, sadly, I slid. "POP!" I landed on the ground and heard a sickening pop. I glance down at my arm which is bent nearly ninety degrees, in the middle of my forearm, where I can see the bone and blood spilling from my skin, so I push it back together and it pops again. I easily stand up, grab my bike and begin onto the street. My arm was completely healed.

On my way home I felt this tug, like a rope tied around my heart guiding me, and it dragged me all the way to the cemetery. I choked on my tears as I arrived. My bike slid on the gravel and I fell and skidded across the road leaving a cloud of dust in the air. I trudged to the stone, the one with flowers on it's base, the one with carvings of roses on it, the one that represents my baby sister. I have been coming here almost daily for the past three years, almost to the day.

"Lily,"  I fought back the tears, "I wanted to tell you, Mom and Dad have decided to move us to Nebraska, they said they wanted away from the water, and away from where it happened, they really want a fresh start because it's too hard for them here." I stopped. then suddenly broke out into an uncontrollable fountain of tears. I couldn't do this today, not anymore, so I sprung up from the grass and sprinted to my bike, aimed home, and peddled with all of my might.

When I got home I had already cleaned up my face so it doesn't look too much like I was crying. After I cleaned the guest room and made the bed, to get ready for a friend to spend a couple months with us I made my way to living room couch. My dad walked into the living room and sat down next to me on our lumpy sofa, and Mom sat in the chair.

"We have been saving up for something, and we finally got it. Now, we can give you your birthday present." he paused and pulled out a pair of keys from his pocket, "I hope you like the color, we just guessed which one you would like." He extended his hand, the keys hanging down ready to be dropped, I take the keys, and saw the logo.

"A car?!" I shouted with excitement. I hugged both of them and began ripping the door open. I ran outside and saw an old red mustang. I wasn't sure of the year, but I loved it. I walked to the car slowly, and peeled open the driver side door, and carefully placed my self in the seat. I grabbed the wheel, and took a deep breath, I slid the key into the ignition, and turned my hand. My breath escaped me as I heard the engine rumble. I could feel my mouth begin to smile, I couldn't stop it, but it didn't matter because I didn't want to. I took the car for a ride, I drove straight to the cemetery.

When I got there I went and sat on Lily's grave once again. I glanced at my arm and thought about how it had healed. I had mostly gotten used to being able to heal like that, but I knew it wasn't normal. Earlier that day I had snapped my arm in two, and now I don't even have a scratch. I took my finger in my other hand, and "snap," I flinched, I broke it, it was pointing right when my hand was facing forward. I then pushed it back to how it should be, and I could immediately curl it into a fist. It was fine. I didn't really understand why, but I was too scared to tell anyone else about this, I only felt comfortable in front of Lily, she knew.

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