The Hunger Games: Fallen Heart

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Hey guys! I really hope that you like my story! - I am NOT a very good writer so please dont critisize me!

***All characters and story line idea belongs to original writer - Suzanne Collins***

So this will be written in Clove's perspective. - So Enjoy!!!


This is kind of like a forward chapter - Before the reaping of the 74th hunger games!

This is going to be a short chapter!


When I looked at Cato, training with the spear and his large muscles flexing, I realize that he meant so much to me than he did just a few years ago. I remember it like it was just yesterday...

We were just 12 and in district 2(just like any other career districts)the two of us were picked for training. We were to train until the age of 18 and voluneer for our districts tributes.

At that time I thought of Cato as a soon to be enemy, but we began to train together and my feelings changed towards him. At that time I couldnt even describe them if I tried.

Now that we are 18 I finally understood my feelings for him, I really did LOVE him! I couldnt bring myself to tell him though. Since the games were just a few long weeks ahead I decided not to tell him because I knew there could only be one victor. I kept my mouth shut and kept working on my knife skills. A few times Cato and my eyes would meet and I could feel a warmth inside, and I wasnt sure if he did or not.

During the first years of our training we only spoke a few times. I think it was because we were afraid of becoming friends, only to have to kill each other in the games. But after a few years Cato seemed to be warming up to me, and he told me a lot about him and his family back in district 2. I wasnt so open about my life and my family to him though. In a way I feel like I should be more open to him.

I learned that Cato had 2 older brothers, and when he was younger they would play football together. I also learned that Catos scar on his right shoulder blade was from when he fell running after his pet cat, sheltly. I always laugh when I hear that story trying to picture a little cato running after a big brown cat!

Those stories were fun and childish but what he told me earlier today really shocked me! He told me that he was going to win the games for not just him but for our district, and if he didnt win he wanted me to. This is what sent my emotions in a whirl and I wasnt sure why, but I am just guessing he meant for the district!

After he told me I couldnt concentrate and I kept missing the dummy I was aiming for, and a few times I heard Cato laughing at me! I think that our trainer Samuel Bowings noticed that I wasnt my nomal self and pulled me to the side.

When we were in the back room he finally said "I realized that you were not all game today and that your eyes are always darting around. What is wrong with you today?" When he said this I realized that I couldnt tell him the truth, so I just said "I dont know, I think im just realizing how close the games really are." I take a really deep breathe and stutter out "And... and... and im scared." I didnt think he bought it until he said "well you know Clove, you are a career and you CAN win your strong enough. Well just try to concentrate" He walked out of the room leaving me alone.

After that conversation I HAD to sit down, so I did for what felt like an eternity until I got up and returned to training. Since my head was clear I finally concentrated and was able to hit the dummy in the center of all the targets.

Most of that night was a sleepless one and all I could think about was what Cato told me about winning, and what Samuel said. He told me that I CAN win, and that I WAS strong! This really boosted my confidence so I decided to finally get some sleep. The rest of my night was dreamless...


Next Chapter coming soon! Comment and tell me what you think so far!


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