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Miku sat on her porch, waiting for her older brother. A sigh escaped her lips as she sat in the chilly night. A shiver ran down her spine, and she regained her posture, putting her hands in her lap. She began to give up hope, thinking her brother was either spending time with a girl or staying at a friends house, she heard someone walking behind her. She froze. She slowly turned around to feel hands slip around her eyes. "Guess who~" someone cooed in her ear. Miku's heart calmed down and a grin appeared on her face. "Is it, the cookie monster?" Miku joked. A soft voice giggled and the hands disappeared. "No silly," Rin said, sitting down next to Miku. She gave her a small smile. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Rin asked. "Mikuo," Miku said bluntly. Rin nodded slightly in agreement, giving a small 'Oh,'
The blonde thought for a bit, before saying, "W.....want to go for a ride?". Miku glanced at her friend and smiled. "Of course. Don't have anything better to do,"

Rin smiled back and jumped up and stood in front of Miku. "So! Shall we be on our way?" she asked, sticking her hands out for Miku to grab. Miku grinned and grabbed her forearms. Rin pulled Miku up and the two ran around Miku's house, to Rin's car behind it. 
"Since when did you get a convertible?" Miku asked. Rin jumped into the driver seat, putting the key in the ignition and turning. "Since I got a job," Rin said. Miku hoped in over the door, and Rin sped off, the two not bother to buckle themselves in.

The two drove and drove into the late night. Awhile into it, Miku stuck her hands up out of the car, reaching for the summer night sky. A grin plastered on her face. Halfway to their destination, Miku ended up standing up, feeling the wind on her face and blow through her hair. 

"I always have the best time with you, Rin," Miku said, staring into the fire. Rin glanced at Miku, a blush dusting her face. She then smiled quickly after. "Thanks," Rin faced the fire, not noticing the two soft blue eyes staring at her. Without realising it, Miku ended up crawling her way to Rin. Rin noticed and just watched the female crawl closer and closer to her. 

Yellow meeting blue.

A green string connecting the two.

Before Rin realized it, she was making her way to Miku. The two meeting in the middle. Rin caressed Miku's face, Miku leaning into it. They got closer and closer, til a sweet kiss brought them together. Rin put Miku on her lap for a more comfortable posture. The two had to break away, to each other's displeasure. "Miku," Rin gasped out. "I-I love you," she said, face going beet red. "I love you too," Miku responded, smiling down at Rin. Rin gave a small smile back, giving Miku a quick peck on the mouth, making the teal haired girl giggle. "We must get back now. My brother is probably back," Miku sighed out. Rin let out a giggle and nodded. Miku stood up, helping her now girlfriend off the ground. The two walked back the car, hand in hand.

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