Chapter 1

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I walked into my favorite diner,Sally's Diner. It was my favorite place to go when i was a little girl,before everything happened.

I saw Pam walk over,and I put on a big smile.Pam rolled her eyes,and dropped down a menu.

Pam was a middle aged high school drop out,and she showed it. She worked at a small diner and wore a frown indicating that she didn't like her job.

I looked at the menu,already knowing what i was going to get. It was Monday morning,and i always got pancakes with chocolate chips.

Pam walked back with the same frown."What would you like?" I smiled my big smile. "Well,Pam i'd like coffee with sugar and cream and a stack of you're finest pancakes with chocolate chips,please!"

She grabbed my menu,and walked back. You see i smile at people to cheer them up,it's not for my well being. Behind my smile I frown.You see i have depression and frankly,I'm the only one that knows it.

I live with my mom since my dad died of cancer. I was about 7,and he was the only one i was really close too.

When he was diagnosed my mother hid it from me in till I started to notice. He wasn't doing as much as he was before,he was coughing, i noticed is hair falling out,and he was going to the doctor a lot.

Once,when he came back,i asked mom what was going on. She sighted,and finally decided it was time to tell me. "Honey,you're dad has cancer,and he's going to the doctor a lot to try to fix it." She had said.

I blinked a single tear,and dotted it away. I saw Pam coming with my food,and put my smile on again. "Thanks Pam,you are really the greatest!"

She put my food down,and turned to walk away,but stopped.

"Amanda." She said,turning around again."Why do you try so hard? Why do you come in here,just to smile at me,and try to cheer me up?"

I looked at her in the eye."Pam,because no one else does it." I said. She sat down in front of me."How do you know that?" She looked at me. " I can see it in you're eyes,Pam,you're not happy with your job, we both know it. You live alone,it's only you." I saw a single tear fall from her face. She nodded,and got up.

She mumbled,barely enough for me to here,but i heard it. "You're only sixteen, what do you know?" Then walked away.

I nodded,and begin to eat again. That stuff just doesn't bother me anymore.I'm also not mad either,because she just proved to me that I was right.

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