Forbidden (Zarry fanfic)

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Harry came from one of the poshest, richest families in London. He had the looks, the money and the charm. Everybody loved him. Except the one person who was to love him unconditionally. His father skipped town right after he was born, leaving Anne, Harry's mom, to fend for herself and her baby boy. After seventeen years, Anne has became more successful than her dead beat ex-husband ever will be. With her very popular fashion line in full swing and multiple novels, Harry and Anne are doing just fine. Except Harry knew his mom wasn't exactly happy. He sees the longing looks towards handsome eligible bachelor's. He hears her sobs at night, while watching romance films. Anne hasn't been with anyone since Harry's father and she's quite lonely. It's not that Anne was unattractive. In fact, Anne was quite beautiful. Where do you think Harry gets his looks? Anne was an extremely busy woman and barely had time for Harry. Where would she find the time to date?

What Harry doesn't know is that his life was about to change drastically.

Zayn was a quiet boy who came from little to nothing. He grew up in a small town in England called Bradford with his father. His mother passed when he was younger from a car accident. His dad worked for a small company that barely payed the bills. Zayn had to get a job just to keep food on the table for his two sisters. Safaa and Waliyha were Zayn's main focus. His dad always worked and that left Zayn the man of the house, so to speak. Zayn had another sister, Doniya, who is away at UNI. Zayn was smart, handsome, and very talented. Zayn was also gay. He kept it to himself though. He didn't have many friends to tell, his sisters we're too young to understand it, and he didn't want to disappoint his father. After all his father worked hard for him and his sister's, Zayn needed to make his father proud of him. And he knew that wasn't going to happen if his father found out. He'd be a disgrace to the Malik family.

What Zayn doesn't know is that his life was about to change drastically.

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