Bionic love

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Bree Davenport was an honest girl that told people the truth no matter how bad or mean it was. But one thing she didn't tell people is she was in love with her brother Chase.She loved every thing about him. His super smarts, his smile that always made her hear stop, and how when she wore plaid it was like they were matching. So when Davenport told them they weren't biologically related It was the best day of her life. But she wasn't quite sure about how chase felt and she didn't want to 'spill the beans' until she was absolutely sure about it.

"Bree!" Chase yelled bringing her out of her thought "what ?" Bree says looking at chase although she already was. She really hoped she hadn't been staring long . " Is something wrong with my face ?" Chase asks annoyed . "yeah, you were staring at chase again ." Adam says with a laugh. Bree turned bright red with embarrassment " And by the way there is something wrong with your face, it's ugly, I don't understand how bree could have a crush on you. " Adam said laughing even more. Chase gave Adam a mean look. "really Adam." Chase looked at bree and as soon as he did she super speeded out of the room bumping into Mr.Davenport on the way out.

"What was that all about?" Mr davenport asked confused

"Oh bree was staring at chase again and he asked her if there was something with his face, and then I said yes ,it's ugly and then she super speeded away." Adam says. Mr. Davenport looks at chase wanting a better explanation. Chase just shrugs his shoulders. " I really don't understand how she has a crush on him" Adam says with a confused tone. " what?!" Chase and Mr. Davenport say at the same time. "Bree likes Chase " Adam says as it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Chase's pov

As soon as Adam said that I started smiling like an idiot. "Chase..?" Mr. Davenport asked cautiously . "What?" "do you feel the same way about Bree? " he asked still cautious. "Um uh n no" I said with a stutter. 'Great cover up chase ,just great now they probably know ' I thought to myself. "Are you sure because you don't sound so sure?" He said with a chuckle " uh yeah I'm absolutely sure" I said not so convincingly . ' ugh I'm so stupid '

"Chase, I'm an awesome billionaire scientist slash tech mogul . I know your lying to me." Chase thought for a moment. Davenport probably already knew and Adam Definitely knew. Davenport wasn't freaking out so that's a good sign. "So lets say I did like her, what would you do?" "Well, if your admitting you like her I would be happy for you, I'm pretty sure she likes you too." I was shocked at what davenport had said. He was actually happy, I thought for sure he would be mad. "Really, your not mad?" "No, why would i be mad? Everybody knows you two are irrseprable. I mean it would just cost a lot of unneeded problems to try to keep you two apart." Now all I need to do is talk to Bree, she obviously made a mistake of tell adam her feelings that she was trying to Keep secret. I know equations, Adam plus secret doesn't really work out.

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