~•!Form Info!•~

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To make your OC, fill out the form below:

Full Name: ____.
Age: _____.
Species: ______.
Magicks: ______.
Gender: _______.
Appearance: _____. {Skip to page 6 for some ideas.}
Other: ______.
Backstory: ______.

[But also, remember that like any other RP book, you're allowed to RP as any other Character that is in the original story line.]
Now here's my form/OC:

Full Name: Elizah Zvhal.
Age: 14.
Species: Werewolf. [Has the capability of hiding her ears and tail.].
Magicks: Invisibility & Telekinesis.
Gender: Female.

Other: Has glasses, and always carries around a cloth with the print of a flower laced onto it in white and bright yellow

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Other: Has glasses, and always carries around a cloth with the print of a flower laced onto it in white and bright yellow.
Backstory: Usually Elizah Zvhal was a happy little toddler, but one day when Elizah was 3 yrs old, her family gave her up the orphanage in O'khasis, she kept refusing to go and threw several tantrums after being told, or reminded of going. Until the night before she was going to be sent away, she packed all of the necessary essentialsnto survive, and a small cloth her mother gave her before giving birth to her, she received the cloth on her birthday last year. She tucked the cloth in her pocket and supplies in a giant folded up picnic cloth, and tied it like her Brother always has with her shoe-laces. Elizah picked the bag up and escaped out the window running into the forest and hiding in there until near her 5th birthday, and 3 people came to find her, that'd be Garroth, Aphmau, and Dante.

Bai my sweet potatoes, until next time!

~ iiLuver out!

MCD//MS//LL//ES//PDH RP! -Aphmau-Where stories live. Discover now