A borthday

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I wake up, seeing red from behind my eyelids.

I open one eye, and the first thing I see is the blurry outline of what I assume is a little cake. With candles, too.

I rub my eyes, and sit up, and find my glasses. I can see the cake better, chocolate, it seems. A bunt cake. I can see Dog nearby, too. 

"Happy Borthday, Mind," she says. I can't help but grin.

"Thank you Dog," I respond. "Did you buy this yourself?" 

"Yeah! I've been saving up. I knew you like chocolate. Even though I can't have it. I got a little one from the fancy bakery out in the shopping area." Her tail wags a little.

I pick up the fork nearby. "I couldn't slice it. 'Cause I don't have hands. I hope that's okay." 

"It's too little to be sliced anyway. It's okay. Thank you, Dog." I hug her and kiss her on her forehead.

I cut out a piece of the cake with my fork and eat it. "Oh! I also got you something. Stay here while I go get it." She gets up and runs out while I continue eating. By the time she's back I've already eaten most of the little cake. 

In her mouth is a box. She comes over and sets it down by me.

I wipe my mouth and set the fork down. I can see her tail wagging as I pick up the box and remove the lid. Inside is a bracelet, some chocolates, and a turtle carved out of some green gem I don't recognize. "Ooh, you got me a new turtle?" I take one of the chocolates, unwrap it, and pop it in my mouth. 

"Yeah! It's made of malachite or whatever. I traded an old set of silverware I found that was missing some utensils. We have plenty of spoons and forks and stuff for one person." I laugh, and I take out the bracelet.

"I found that bracelet at the same shop as the turtle. Cause I know you were sad about your other bracelet breaking. It wraps around twice like the other one, but it's not real leather I think. So rip." I wrap it around my wrist. It feels pretty comfortable. "Happy borthday."

"Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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