First is always best

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Sadly none of the characters belong to me.If they did though I would make the stories awesome!

Valerie ,come here for a minute!"
One of Miss Frizzles very best friends called her through.She went through to find her friends looking through a big scrapbook filled with hundreds of memories.
"What is it?"she asked curiously.
In reply one of her friends held up a picture.It was of Mrs Frizzles very best class.She remembered it to be the smallest class ever because they were the rejects too smart to get into the other classes.But they had made a perfect team for the thing she had liked best-field trips!
The friend held the picture out to Mrs Frizzle.
"Here, take it" the friend said and Mrs Frizzle took it and stared at it.
In the picture was the entire class,all eight students standing next to her faithful friend the bus that had taken her on so many ,many trips with the class.And what children!Their personalities had been spread right across the board.Carlos had been the jokester always the first to make a pun or joke out of a sticky or bad situation.But he had cared a lot about his classmates that had been obvious and as Mrs Frizzle remembered he cared for one in particular more than all the others.To some she was known as DA but to be fair it was only really Carlos who called her that after stating that her full name Dorothy Ann just took too long to say.But to all she was clever probably the smartest of the bunch and she was always trying to learn something new.Arnold who always wished that Mrs Frizzle would take them onto a normal school trip because hers were so bizarre.And she had to admit he was right.Going to space,diving in the ocean even being part of the digestive system once!Next was Phoebe the newest girl.It was probably lucky that she had had Mrs Frizzle as her class teacher the first year she arrived as otherwise she would have thought they were crazy!Wanda was the spunky girl who never hesitated to say what she thought.And helping her with this was Ralphie the sports finatic of the class.Tim was next and he was by far the quietest of the class but he sure had lots of info when needed!Right at the end of the row Kesha was the fun filled,energetic girl who was best friends with everyone!Last but not least was Liz her pet lizard who helped her out so often on all the trips and in the classroom.She remembered the class like it was yesterday.She had no idea if they remembered her but she hoped she had left a lasting impression on their lives.The reason she had taken them on so many different trip was not only so that they learnt things by experiencing them it also helped to bond the children and by the time they left her class none of them had any other friends.Once their class had gone she'd never had such a small class.No one called her the nickname The Frizz again and all her classes from then on were average size around twenty four students.She could manage about two field trips per year nothing like the weekly sometimes daily trips her first class had had.Even as she taught now she'd compare the class at the end of term with her first class.Afterall it was the first she remembered most.
"Valerie.....Valerie..Guys I think she's gone into sleep mode."one friend said waving a hand in front of Mrs Frizzles face.Her head snapped up and she smiled apologetically at her friends.
"Sorry, I was just reminiscing.Im going to go and deal with this ok"
She walked off back to the room she'd come from leaving her friends staring a little confused.Once she was alone she added the image to her personal scrapbook -one filled with memories of all the trips the bus had taken her and her class on.But she reasoned with herself she had or rather the bus had only revealed itself to one class in her entire thirty year career.And that was her first.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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