Germany X Reader: Kissing Booth

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"____! I vill not allow you to do zat!"

"'Not allow'? Tsk! You're not the boss of me!"

Ludwig frowned at your response, blushing in annoyance when he knew that you were right. You grinned triumphantly at his reaction, picking up a box full of decorations and heading off in a different direction. However, he stepped in front of you, his stern eyes showing that he wasn't going to let you go that easily.

"As a friend, I am telling you zat zis is a dangerous idea," the blonde said with extreme seriousness.

This resulted in you rolling your (insert colour) eyes again, sighing in exasperation, "Ludwig, it's a kissing booth. It's not like I'm going to war."

Ludwig could feel an anger vein pop up on his forehead; you sure loved to push his buttons. He attempted to stare you down and intimidate you with his bigger frame. However, the bored expression you wore was evidence that it wasn't working. He continued to reason with you, "Zere are boys in our school who vould leap at this chance."

He was obviously referring to his brother, Gilbert and his two friends, Antonio and Francis, who were also notoriously known as the 'Bad Touch Trio'. The thought of having one or worst- all of them kiss you made him grunt and feel very protective. You were his best friend, and best friends usually care this much about each other, don't they?

You tried to side step him, but he intercepted your path once more. You had a go at convincing him again, "Firstly, there's nothing disastrous about innocent pecks. Secondly, my shift is only an hour. Thirdly, what human being would want to kiss me??"

"Blödes Mädchen(1)... You're beautiful, kind, funny und pure; every guy vould vant to kiss you, including-" he quickly stopped himself before he revealed too much. Damn, his stubbornness made him go a tad bit overboard. He looked away awkwardly, feeling his cheeks turn pink. You, on the other hand had a look of surprise, grinning in appreciation at the sudden shower of compliments. He had never called you 'beautiful' before...

"Aww, Ludwig! Stop acting so serious! ____ promised me that she'll help out at our school carnival," a voice with a Hungarian accent spoke up nearby. The two of you turned your heads to the side to see Elizaveta, your friend who was in charge of this event.

Ludwig took this chance to ask her why of all jobs, she gave you the kissing booth to attend to. However, the words 'kissing booth' and your name quickly piqued the interests of the three people who were approaching as well.

"Vat?? ____ in a kissing booth?! Kesese! Hammer(2)!" Gilbert exclaimed, patting his brother's shoulder as he leaned close to your face. Ludwig cursed his rotten luck while Elizaveta swatted the albino away from you, grumbling in annoyance at his presence. Antonio was at the side, checking ahead to see if he had enough money to buy a kiss.

A rose came close to your view, looking up to see Francis gazing at you with a fond look, "I will definitely stop by to steal a kiss from your delicate lips, ma chère(3)~ Ohonhonhon~"

You felt a shudder of disgust run down your spine, cowering slightly from the boys' (except Ludwig) lascivious stares. You began to regret agreeing to help Elizaveta with the carnival, and it was too late to back out. How were you initially so neutral about the kissing booth?

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt someone hold onto the box you were carrying. You lifted your head up and saw pale blue eyes.

"I'll carry zis for you," he said, taking the weight away from your arms and walking off with the three boys following closely behind, joking about and teasing him. That's why you were so neutral; Ludwig would make sure nobody does something funny to you. He was always trustworthy and reliable, stern exterior but sweet inside, making him extra special to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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